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Advice Request
Siva Guru Prasad
Siva Guru Prasad

Siva Guru Prasad

Business Analyst

Sify Technologies Limited


Siva Guru Prasad is a member of:

Current Job Description
My current job profile is very much challenging on daily basis. Being in Internet Marketing industry, there is need of keeping an eye on current online business technologies in the market and practices followed by our competitors.My job profile deals with Business analysis, Competitor analysis, and more into maintaining the traffic/performance of my channels in a growth path.
My Role is Business Analyst and i do more analysis on new features that has to be implemented in my channels that i handle in my company. To highlight, my recent successful project is Sify Skills ( caters the audiences who want to start their career in Govt. jobs across India. My role needs more data collection to prove my interpretation and validate the same.My analysis in my current business not only help in my company, but also help me to suggest / advise for other's business and their career.
Handling risky decision
I dnt see this as a Risky decision, but risky situation. That was the situation when i need to take the complete responsibility of taking one major Banking client's Secured- Banking project live. It happened accidently where i lost my junior resource who assists me for that time and also Senior resource had not in a position to help me because of his health reasons. My top official took a chance to test my skills and capabilities by giving me a tap on my shoulder and left. Decided to collect all my strength and exhaust to prove myself.(This is one of the risky decision that i had taken in my lifetime professionally)
Finally, ended up with a lot of appreciation and wishes not only from my own company but i felt proud when i received the appreciation from big banking giant firm directly. One of the remarkable acheivement in my life till date. Thank god :)
Qualities require to be successful
Very first is Communication skills which helps us to put in the table what we really want to achieve in our business.Technical knowledge, Managing the problems that we face while executing any projects, and Analytical skills comes next to the other.
Influenced by
Obviously my MOM - Vijima
(Thats why changed my name in Facebook profile as Shiva Viji)
Reason: Go easy character that am seeing with her. Being cool in both big Victory or BIG loss :P. Still admiring/learning many things from her !!!
Concept of Analyst
An analyst must have the capability of putting the numbers along with the logical reasons.That how the concepts were derived :)
My Strongest Skill
Skills - Understanding the technical background quickly which is mandy to run/sell a business.
Hardworking, Forecasting, Optimistic are more things that i can feel as my attributes to live in business profession world.
My advice to professionals
World has changed .. Able to see the effective leadership losing its glow nowadays. Being an efficient manager is the successful mantra for anyone to achieve complicated and challenging goals in current market.
My achievements
Chosen my own career path with full responsibility and driving successfully is my lifetime achievement that i feel... (BTW i ignored a top-5 Indian IT company offer for technical profile and chose my Management path)
My thought on education system in India
Confusion - Current scenario is that students are not able to choose their own interested career. First, i feel this has to be changed, where parents should have their less influence.
Still students not able to travel in a right profession path, able to see lot of diversions from technical courses to Management and Viz-a -Viz.
Remedy - This can be changed if we change the school education system, where students must taught on all of these Careers in detail. So that i beleive future india will be fulfilled with strong Techies and Managers.
Couple of years from now
Right now, am being a business consultant in my free time able to cater 5-6 other people for their extra income. In next two years, willing to offer more people for their full time job and am sure i will be there !
Important decision taken
As i mentioned already, my risky and important decision would be choosing management/business profile/career by ignoring technical career from India's top -5 company would be the important career decision that i made in my life.
And am enjoying it to the core.
Initiative taken by professionals to develop a country
Self-learning is the best mantra. This is evident in most of the successful personalities who ruling the top business in the world. Celebrities like Bill gates, Steve jobs, and finally Mark Zuckerberg not even completed their universities... :)
More about myself
Guess most of the things i have shared. But i would also like to highlight on the TIME that our younger generations spending on. Science, technology is there to help us to grow our life and make easy. But current generation i feel that they are using it in another way and important to notice here should be that people losing their valuable time and energy on the same.
Avoiding mistake and connecting right dots
Connecting to right people for the right task/activity is the formula to bring the best output that i experienced. So i would recommend to maintaining good relation ship with people from different field who are best at it will be the answer for this.
This will help us to lead life smoothly,both in personal and also in Business life.
Upcoming trends
Social media : Where other search engines help us to SEARCH for. Today, social media is helping us to SHARE on anything that we would like to.Forecasting, that Social media is the Space that future world will live in. Nowadays, people live in their personal space but oneday it will become for each and everything for both Personal and Business needs.
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