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Advice Request
Sairam Mulpuri
Sairam Mulpuri

Sairam Mulpuri

Test Manager



Sairam Mulpuri is a member of:

- Expert
Ensuring Growth
I had always tried to be very clear around planning my growth and development of my career. As part of the same, I had a vision as to when I should add various challenging roles and responsibilities in my career. As I felt this is the time, I am on my way to pursue more long term onsite engagements, which I strongly feel will give me vast exposure of working directly with customers around the globe. My onsite experience is limited to UK until now, however I am looking forward to gain more exposure of working directly with US customers as well.

Apart from working towards my visions, I continuosly focus of self development by getting trained from well renowed institutes and also help Self get certified in accordance to the industry standards.
Managing personal and professional life
Communication and Confidence are the Key points I trust, to ensure we sail in the right direction.

A simple communication gap has a high tendency to lure the individual in the wrong direction, thus enabling him/her to perform mistakes.

Lack of confidence is performing a task is also another measure for any individual to be unable to complete the task efficiently.

I always had "Confidence" in Self and the way I do things. I trust my instincts and my experience a lot.

I always try to maintain a consistency in my communication channel throughout the globe. I use social networking sites like LinkedIn to be in touch with my professional mates.

I always try to spend time with my family towards end of the day every day and also on weekends as well as when I am travelling on road. This gives my family a comfort feeling that I am there for them.

Balancing both these acts in normal day-to-day life is the key for my success story
Team Management
My 1st preference for promoting a team would be that they operate from the same location. This actually helps every individual to liaise with every one individually and also gives a comfort feeling as they are able to see each other.

Considering the scenario of our current world, where our teams are spread across in various global locations, my 2nd preference would be to get in touch potentially for an 1hr every day or maybe twice a week via Video Conference. This also helps as people are still able to see one another.

My 3rd preference would be to get in touch via the conventional communication channel i.e. Phone

My 4th Preference is to get in touch via Messenger using "Chat" messages

My last prefrence is to keep in touch via mails or by posts which involves lot of time and the actual essence might be lost

I do not prefer to wait for someone to get in touch, rather I would prefer Self as the one initiating the communication channel.
Important career decisions
My best Decision was to plan for my Work Permit via Outside Company, even at a time when my current company (small in size of employees) was taken over by a reputed branded company. People were describing this decision as Foolish considering the brand image getting added to the profile, however 1.5 years down the line of completion of take over, I see that most of my colleagues who described this action as foolish were part of reorganization done by the company.

My 2nd best decision was to join a company which valued "People" as an organization. It even infact had a tag line "people values" thus ensured to treat all its employess equally. I enjoyed working and also learnt a lot which helped me grow as an individual both as a person and in my professional life

Without doubt my 3rd best decision was to work as a consultant for the above people valued organization via my parent company and this came at a time when 95% of my colleagues were even fearing to join the organization.
Excellence in Management
Worked as a PROGRAM TEST MANAGER at UK at 3 different locations and helped deliver a data centre move/migration from one location to another in just 6 months.

Working as a Portfolio Manager - Testing for last 1 Year at offshore and helped sustain the current engagement, even at a time when managers were not able to even complete a tenure equal to 3 months

Helped the portfoilo, thus in turn the organization to freeze on several SOW's (Cannot disclose the numbers and related Costs due to ethics) enabling the portfolio sail smoothly without any hiccups.
Tech Management matters more on
Not loosing track of the actual managerial functions when trying to help the team analyse the technical issues. Sometimes Tech Managers get lost in their normal deliverables when a technical issue is encountered in a team. My suggestion in such cases is to help guide the resources in the right direction rather than sit with them and solve the issue by the manager itself.

Projecting the impact (cost/schedule/scope/quality) in a technical manner is what matters to the Tech Managers, however this needs to be dealt in a more generic way as the explanation needs to be even understood by a common man. Tagging huge technical terms maynot sell the explanation to the whole audience, rather using simple and consice language should suffice in this context.
Handling Grievances
Initially I take quality time (Min of 1.5 Hrs) to understand and come to a conslusion if the grievance raised is indeed a genuinue issue.

As I carry enough experience under my belt in this area, 80% of the grievances are normally reported out of any personality behavior or communication gaps within the teams. These are just dealt with normal professional solutions in place within any organization.

The rest 20% of the genuinue concerns can always be resolved, if as a leader we are approachable to the resources/employees. All employees should be comfortable in reaching to the leader.
Taking time off to clearly understand and suggest possible solutions on the floor will help understand, how the employee is thinking for resolution of his/her issue.

At times, it is needed to bring the consern to the attention of the senior folks within the organization as part of relevant approvals required. Such cases need to be dealt proactively so that this will not cause any delayed resolution
Leadership qualities
Stakeholder Management is the most preffered essential leadership skill I feel is considered as a mandate to be possessed by any leader.

This management skill is divided into 4 quadrants in the X and Y axis respectively.

+X Axis
+Y Axis
Most Important Quadrant as both the axis values point to positive end.
This implies management of direct customers, reporting managers who have direct impact on your deliverables

+X Axis
-Y Axis
Spouse and Children can have a potential impact on my deliverables when they need my presence on need.
CEO, CFO, and any other stakeholder who is on top of my boss who potentially take decisions on behalf of organization and can have an impact on my deliverables

-X Axis
-Y Axis
The least level of stakeholders who can have an impact on your deliverables. Relations of Parents, In-Laws, Outside Society

-X Axis
+Y Axis
Grandchildren, children of spouse's frineds etc, and my functional managers like colleagues who are at my level in the org
My views on India Technical development
Money, Opportunity, Dedication/Interest, Corruption, Govt Support are the major hurdles I feel to be the constraints in our country.
The talent of our country is flourishing in outside countries only for the reason that their talent is recognized and rewarded well in other countries than in our country.

As a country, we are also used to the life of providing valued services and this has also become a bottleneck in our country for unable to produce any tech product.

There are instances where inspired technical talented guys start some small companies for producing a tech product, however due to financial constraints, they are ending up selling the company to big sized companies, thus loosing the patent on the products.

Our country consisting of such enriched culture and diversity is still unable to encourage the talent due to lack of government support.
Family background
My father is an ex-service man and is currently into business.
My mother is a Home Maker and is always with my father wherever he goes
I have a sibling who is working is US at Google via Mahindra Satyam for last 2 Years as a Quality Engineer. Before going to US, he was working for Microsoft at offshore for close to 5 Years.
My spouse is a graduate (Ex-software engineer) and is currently a home-maker due to taking care of my 2 kids (boys). Has a passion to teach and will potentially join the software industry down the line
My 1st kid is just over 4 Years old and talks a lot
My 2nd kid is just 1.5 Years old and tries to speak a lot in his own customised language, which we struggle to understand at this stage
More about me
I am a Mimicry Artist and also have lot of passion in acting.

I am sure I'll also use this talent and will be able to push my passion in future to materialize on the big screen
My advice
Should value people and treat them as humans.

Use your skillset to help evolve your resources so that you help them grow and also inturn help you grow as well.
Current Job description
Working as Portfolio Manager-Testing.

Oversee the delivery (starting from scratch to end) of the whole portfolio from offshore
Managing 6 projects within a Portfolio
Managing 14 resources spread across all the 6 projects
Managing a project which spreads its support window as 16 Hrs per Day, i.e. 16 (Hrs) X 5 (Days) a week support.
Work closely with various stakehodlers spread across the globe to close on any new business opportunities and also to seek feedback pertaining to the existing project functions.
Evaluate resources and providing the feedback quarterly/half-yearly/yearly as appropriate
Providing updates of all the projects to all the stakeholders once in a week
Awards and Recognitions
Rated as "Outstanding Performer" (Highest Appraisal Rating in the current Organization) for the Appraisal effective 1-Nov-2011, whilst working in UK

Rated "BLUE" (Highest Appraisal Rating in my previous company) within 6 months of joining the company
Influenced by
From Career Perspective, My previous manager Vasudeva Rao Ungati has been a very influencial manager in my career. He has been very constructive in providing feedback and also helped me grow up the ladder in my career.
At times his feedback was also a bit on a harder side, however he ensured to communicate that to me in a very professional manner. This helped me to motivate myself very well and I hope to work alongside him once more time in my career sometime down the line.

From Personal Life, I am influenced only by Self and the Lord who has been supporting throughout my life till date.
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