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Shreyas Kashyap Bs
Shreyas Kashyap Bs

Shreyas Kashyap Bs



Spare time activities
Free hand drawings, reading blogs like Silicon India, Wikipedia etc. Also I Play PC games.
Challenges facing by students
Students are forced to get into the Courses which offers good jobs and salary. Most of the students don't even know why they have chosen the course as their career. Students are forced to work hard than Smart. There is no value for Innovation, Knowledge, Smartness and Creativity. Today's Corporate world expect only high percentage from the students. Those who score more marks will get job even though they doesn't have any Creativity or Knowledge. Students with talent without percentage or degree will be struggling hard throughout their life for opportunities. Everyone should get opportunity in their life at lease once to prove themselves. There will a lot of reasons for a student to score less marks or fail in their exams. This Corporate world doesn't ask for reasons, it always expect results from students. There should arise a new kind of parameters to measure the Caliber and Capability of a student apart from Traditional Exams. 3 hour exam cant judge 20 years of student's life.
About Myself
Well, there is nothing more to tell. Its all about listening about a Student who is trying to correct his mistakes, overcome all kinds of obstacles in his life and working hard to get a right opportunity in his life to build a career.
I am pursuing my Engineering in Mechanical. It's been a long time since 2005 I am doing my Engineering. I took more than 4 years to complete my Engineering due to many reasons which people doesn't like to hear. Meanwhile worked as Technical Support Executive for Adobe in 247 inc, Bangalore for 21 months. Right now I am concentrating on my Exams and hence I quit my job. I am an Artist. I want to be an Automobile designer. I have made many designs of Cars and Bikes. I can bring my Imagination into reality. We don't need to do different things. We have to think and do the things differently.I believe that 'Imagination is more Important than knowledge'. If a person is capable of imagining new things then there will be an Innovation and creation of new things
Family Background
I came from a Middle class family. My father was working at Mysore Paper Mills Ltd, Bhadravathi (Karnataka). My Mother is a Housewife. I have a younger brother who i doing Engineering in Computer Science. My father passed away when I was in 2nd year of my Engineering. However we managed to come up with financial crisis and to survive in a fast growing city like Bangalore. At that time our family income was around 80,000. I joined a BPO to support my family and started working over shifts. I lost concetration on Education and hence I took long time to complete my engineering. However I didn't lost hope in my life. Life has given me spirit to challenge the difficulties and to survive in this World. It made me Wiser and Courageos in every step of my life. I didn't become a Good Engineer but I will be a Responsible and Efficient person in my work as well as in my Life. I am good with whatever I got from this life and will keep on going until I get the right opportunity to prove myself.
My uniqueness
Expectation and Acceptance. I am generous guy who has learnt not to Expect from this life. Because with expectation comes disappointment. We have to accept whatever comes in our life. We have to work as if we are doing it as our duty not for any wants. I never expect results from my work. I will do my work with Patience and dedication. I am good at heart and in my work and it reflects in my working environment.
I never get discouraged in my work and try to encourage others in their work. I can handle myself alone in my work and also can work efficiently in Work group. These things make me unique and remarkable in my work and in my life.
Most flourishing college experience
From my school days I participated in lots of Inter-school quiz competitions, Debate competition and IQ tests. I won so many prizes and rewards. I did few Skits in my Pr-University College on Social awareness like Dowry and Family Values. Both the Skits was directed by our Lecturer. I got much appreciation for my roles in both the Skits.
This bought me an Identity in our College. I also actively participated in Quizzes and social activities which includes supporting for ABVP on Karnataka CET Fee Structure. I was a Successful student until I joined Engineering. After that I never participated in any of the completion and activities.
First Job Expectation
The three things which I definitely expect from my Job is,
1. Working Environment: Our working environment should have good people who encourage us in learning things faster and help us to understand our role and work better for our Organization. There should be a friendly environment so that we can feel better even though there is work pressure and shifts.

2. Knowledge and Growth: Whatever work we do, it should increase our Physical knowledge and Spiritual knowledge. With work experiences we need to get wiser and there should be a renunciation in our Personality to becoming a Perfect man in our Life.
In any Job there must be Growth opportunity for everyone. Depending on our dedication and involvement, there must be growth in the position and the responsibility should increase in that Organization.

3. Good pay to lead life in price hiking country like India.
Favorite Books and Articles
The article which impacted me is
1."FAQs on Discrimination of Kannadigas in IT".

2.‘IT companies ignoring Kannadigas’.

These articles showed the real truth happening in IT companies and the discrimination of Kannadigas in our own state.

Our Farmers gave there land to build IT companies. We are fighting for Kaveri water to serve whole Banagalore. We have welcomed people from all over the world with Kind heart. We didn't do Racism on Non- Kannadiga people. Our government provided all the facilities to IT companies.
Still people coming from outside don't respect and learn our Language. IT companies give opportunity for outsiders other than Kannadigas. We can't expect growth in IT company as it is full of Politics and Racism.
I wish Government has to implement Dr Sarojini Mahishi report.
Favorite subject
Philosophy and Life is my strongest subject. Both are inter-related and leads to the same destiny. What ever we do in our life, at last we need philosophy to find answers in our Life.

Philosophy explains the truth, beauty and principles of Life, where as Life will give us Experience on all these.
At last every Human being will try to find the Truth of this Life and the Universe. Philosophy is a path where we can find answers more easily when compared to other paths.

Even Science still cannot find the answers for few questions answered by Philosophy and our Life.
People who go behind Experiences of Life will become Complete Humans and People who go behind the Truth will become Enlightened.
Nothing is permanent, everything is an Virtual. Only one thing in this universe is permanent, that is "The Change or Transformation". From an Atom to Star, from a Cell to Living creature, there will be change upon time. Only Change remains and it will follow the laws of this Universe.
Time Management
It depends on our situation and necessity. During Work hours the first priority will be for Work. After completing the work, the next priority will be for my Commitments, which includes my Family and my responsibility.
After that, I look upon for Other things like Friends, Relationship and Entertainment etc.
Additional information
Please try to bring changes in Corporate and Private Sectors which are impacting on our National, cultural, Lingual and Ethical Values and Emotions. There must be a new Sector which can provide Opportunity for peoples who are migrating from Rural areas to Cities. Instead of dumping all Industries in single City, it can be shared all over the nation.
Example: 1. Establishing IT Parks and Private industries in each and every States of our Country, so that people wont Migrate from one state to another and are comfortable working in their own places.
2. Providing good Infrastructure on Rural areas to create more Job opportunities.
3. Conservation of Energy and Recycling Plants has to be established in each and every States to preserve Energy and to Create Job opportunities for people.
4. There must be a development in Alternative Energy resources and Agricultural Technology for Future needs, else there will be lack of Food and Energy sources in our Country.
Most proud accomplishment
I am not proud for any Accomplishment in my Life. Rather I am proud to be an Indian and to lead my Life with Courage and Confident.
Every human has to feel proud on his life as it differs from one another.
A single man can try to accomplish in his life but still he need some support from this Society and his Family. We can work for our needs or Satisfaction, We can work for other needs or their Satisfaction, but still a normal guy will always look for great Accomplishment which he cannot complete without Right Opportunity and Time.
Most influenced factor
Sir M Visveshwaraiah, the great Engineer of our Country inspired me to become an Engineer. I am studying under Visveshwaraiah Technical University.
My Intellect and Passion made me to choose Mechanical Branch so that I can start my Career in Automobile Designing.
I haven't build any successful career as I am still on the path to start a Good Career.
Technology, Design, Performance and Demand influenced me to make my own objectives after starting my career.
View s for better India
How can a country expect Development from Students who can't get right opportunity and support from its country.
There is no value for Knowledge, Creativity, Efficiency and Loyalty.
Education has become a Business rather than Source of Knowledge and Empowerment.
Due to Reservation in Institutions, Talented students are not getting the right opportunity to join and study. Even after completing education Jobs are not guaranteed and Reservation Still Rules in Government sectors. Lakhs of student complete their degrees in Science, Commerce and Arts. Thousands of people come up with new Ideas and Projects every year. How many of these projects and Ideas were implemented in development of this country?. After doing all these Students still struggling to get Good career and Recognition for their Talent. Talented Students are flying away from this country for Right opportunity and Recognition. The first step from Students is to "Vote" for right person which our students are not doing.
Career Expectations
Yes changes are occurring gradually day by day. Mechanical Engineering has stood up tall in modern Application science by increasing its field of Research and Development. From Designing to Production, from Analysis to Working models it has bought many new advancements and feature making it the Biggest and Evergreen field of Study and Development in history of Mankind.
Hence we call it as "The Royal Mechanical".
Being the Toughest branch in Engineering, it still emerging with millions of Jobs, thousands of Industries and hundreds of Research Institutes. Mechanical is the one among few branch which can provide Job opportunities for people based upon their Skill and Hard work, irrespective of their Academic scores.
In Future it will bring more Jobs by providing more opportunities, make life simpler by bringing new Innovations, and supports other branches of Science for its advancement.
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