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Advice Request
Shashi Dhar Kumar
Shashi Dhar Kumar

Shashi Dhar Kumar

Technical Consultant

MJ Consulting

Blogs (2)

Shashi Dhar Kumar is a member of:

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- Expert
Family Background
My Father is retired Indian Railway Officer and My mom is house-wife. My elder brother is pleader in district court Katihar and my younger brother is Doctor in Bihar Government.
Essential Advice
They have to keep update themselves according to industry changing it arena from time to time and also changing technology time to time.
A Fine Balance:
Try to keep both things at their own level i.e. professional arena should be as professional and personal should have some space and there should be no any interference between personal and professional life.
Plans for the Future
In the position of good project management.
Current and Previous Responsibilities
Resource Management, Information Gathering, Time Estimation, Helping hand for Developers, Client Interaction, Technology Training, Development Strategic Planning and Implementation and it is totally different because there was only for development work involved
Parting thoughts
Work profile :
Currently working at
Resource Management, Information Gathering, Time Estimation, Helping hand for Developers, Client Interaction, Technology Training, Development Strategic Planning and Implementation, Maintain bridge between Development and Operations in US etc.
Role Model
My Father who always try to strive hard for all
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