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Advice Request
Sathishkumar Chinnappa
Sathishkumar Chinnappa

Sathishkumar Chinnappa

Software Test Lead

Cognizant Technology Solutions


Sathishkumar Chinnappa is a member of:

Family Background
I am Sathishkumar Chinnappa, tested by requirements and trusted by Customers for over 9 years. My father used to check for accounts in banks and mother test the food she cooks and some times test our patience at home by watching teleserials.My wife was into Software Development until we get married.
Advice for freshers
Enjoy the Testing you do. You dont need any motivation to do it better.
Reference for Upcoming Professionals
Lessons learnt in Software Testing, Testing Software, Effective Software Testing,Magazines on Software Testing - Better Software, Testing Circus
Advice for Additional Certifications
Be proud to be Self Certified
Excellence of Testing Professionals
A Test Engineer becomes a good Test Engineer when she understands the skills required for software testing. No. No . I doesn't mean black box, white box, automation, etc., I refer to listening, questioning, logical thinking, exploring skills. More questions, more answers and hence more knowledge.
My Vision
In a World of Testing where I dont see any test cases written in advance for a product that comes for testing several months later. A World where Software Testing is included as a subject in Colleges.
Future of QA
We are moving towards the rapid changes. I would love to see more rapid and exploratory testing. I love to see more Innovations that engages Testers to use their brain as a thinking device rather than a storage device.
Contribution to the field
1. Have taught practial Software testing to more than 300 Testers across India.
2. Only tester out of several thousands in Cognizant who did Audio Podcast on Software testing for 13 continous weeks
3. Have written more than 100 blog posts on Software Testing. Absolutely no copy , paste.
Challenges with QA domain
1. Proving that you are a good Tester without any Certifications
2. Sticking to old traditional approach
The Big Question
Oh yes. Everyday I am successful. I enjoyed the Testing I did and so I am. The Testing I taught to several hundred in Cognizant is now doing wonders across the Globe.
Changes in professional environment
Quite a lot. Testing with developers, arguing with managers to stop the product in going to production, practical way of learning Testing and many has evolved in my 9 years career in Software Testing
Situation where you played important role as a team player
In 2009 when I worked as a Onsite Coordinator for couple of months in London and managing the offshore team of Size 4. When we were pushed to a situation of completing testing in less than the planned schedule,inspite of so many deliverables on my shoudlers,I jumped into test execution and delivered
Growth Initiatives
I have jumped into a new area of Software Testing that concentrates on Customers Solution which I have not done in my last 9 years. I am learning a lot in this area both in terms of Testing as well as the subject.
Important career decisions
I have shifted myself to a completly new area of Software Testing becuase of my passion on Software Testing rather than concentrating on climbing up the ladder. I am still testing the applications.
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