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Advice Request
Sameer Bhatia
Sameer Bhatia

Sameer Bhatia



Professional Strengths:
I am a hard worker and strongly believe in leading by example.

I am also a strong believer in transparency (which is also our corporate value
). This encourages employees to bring real concerns to the table and creates an open & honest space to discuss them. Often this leads to mentoring and identifying coaching needs to encourage people to stretch to the best of their ability. I see this as both a strong professional skill and a responsibility towards professional growth of our people.
Required Reading:
The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products that Win: The Four Steps to the Epiphany is one of the most influential and practical business books of all time! Recommend it to anyone starting a new venture or product. We have used the strategies explained in the book for our products and continue to use & grow them.
Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future: Highly recommend this book to any entrepreneur. Peter Thiel is both an accomplished entrepreneur and investor. His book is full of practical wisdom he learnt via his own first hand experiences in building massive ground breaking companies.
The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses: A New York Times best seller by Eric Ries, this book is a must-read for any entrepreneur to learn how to change the way companies are built and new products are launched.
Contribution to the field
Extremely proud of all ProProfs products! Our mission with the website is ‘to make the world smarter’ and we’re well on our way to achieving that. Some of our key achievements are:
We serve over a million page views every day
We are ranked among the top 3000 properties on the internet
With millions of quiz questions, we offer the largest library of public quizzes on the web.
Working Life Management:
This is something I struggle with and am continuously striving to improve. One thing I have learnt is that at the end of the day it boils down to passion and priorities. It is my priority that I get time with my family & kids.

Regarding fitness, I work out with a trainer 3 days every week. I also try to go for swimming / golf at least 1-2 times per week as business / life permits.

I have a strong group of friends with whom I meet every week as well. Nothing helps me unwind better than playing with my 5 & 1 year old girls.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I have answered this below.
Plans For The Future:
I see ProProfs listed among the top 500 properties on the web.
Growth Strategy:
Best leadership skills are learnt by working with other great leaders.I stay connected with other leaders in the field and regularly attend industry events. I also routinely meet up with my group of mentors & advisors who inspire me in many ways.
The Journey So Far:
I have been a serial entrepreneur and my past startups have been in e-learning, online retail as well as a niche search engine. Post these, I founded ProProfs based on the vision that knowledge should be freely available to people from all walks of life.

ProProfs started off as a quiz website for students who wanted to take free quizzes on our site. In time, corporations came calling in and wanted to pay for our quiz tool with additional features like security, privacy & branding. We worked on offering them the best features they needed to get the job done. Today, ProProfs hosts 1,000,000+ pieces of content in 90+ languages, and is a leading platform for online training and assessment with the world's largest library of professional tests & quizzes. ProProfs products are used by many Fortune 500 companies such as Sony & Dell, along with users from leading educational institutes like Harvard & Yale.
We can happily boast that we’re now the “YouTube of online quizzes and training” with
Family Background
I live in Los Angeles with my wife & two daughters.
Job Profile:
I am the founder & CEO of ProProfs. As the founder, I set the vision, strategy and direction for the company.
As the CEO, I juggle my time between strategy, sales & marketing, key recruitments & product development. I see it as an important part of my role to challenge our teams to do extraordinary things. I am involved in a lot of goal setting, reviews and feedback cycles with the teams. This many times leads to coaching, mentoring sessions as well to help people grow and accomplish greater things for themselves and the company.
Career Profile:
I have always been an an ed-tech veteran and a serial internet entrepreneur. My past startups have been in e-learning and online retail along with a niche search engine to compete with Google. Of course, these ventures needed different focus. One of the key differentiators in the role here at ProProfs, for me, is coping with the growth. Many new employees join each month. This leads to a need for greater structure and definition to ensure our DNA remains intact. Our own product has come very handy in ensuring our key processes and vision are well communicated and understood by new hires. A number of trainings are conducted in-house to ensure talent ramps us quickly within the company.
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