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Ask Romona Murad for Advice
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Advice Request
Romona Murad
Romona  Murad

Romona Murad




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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I came from a lineage of Alexander The Great @ Iskandar Dzulqarnain. My late father was a businessman and also a landlord. I am related to the Sultan of Kedah in Malaysia through my grandmother who was from the Royal House of Satun. I have 3 siblings and I am the eldest of three.
Points of inflection
My career was developed since I was in the USA. I stayed there for 4 years and used to worked in hospitality industry. Then I came back to Malaysia and worked with corporate companies. Now I run my own company, Romona International Sdn Bhd and also hold many positions with IRAOUN.
A Fine Balance:
I always think positive in whatever I do in life. Be it personal or business.To me, work is important but personal life is also important. I always reserve my weekend for my family. Weekdays are for work.
Role Model
My role model is Alexander the Great. He conquered the world and until today people of the world remember him. Even though he had long gone, he was my ancestor and I came from him. I also aspire to be like him, quest and conquer in business and life.
Current and Previous Responsibilities
Current role as Asia President for Chamber of Inter Commerce, International Royal Academy of United Nations. I now deal with business people all over the world and we deal in minerals and food stuffs. This position gives me more challenges and brings me to a greater height.
Parting thoughts
I am now open to businesses in India as well as other countries since I am the ASIA President for International Royal Academy of United Nations. We can help your business grow and make your business known to the world.
The Journey So Far
I have came a long way in my career path. It has been more than 20 years I am have been working and now I reach the peak of my career. Being the Asia President for IRAOUN, VP for World Exclusive Club and Groups and also MD for ROMONA INTERNATIONAL Sdn Bhd.
Most Important Lessons
What I have learned through my life is to think positive in whatever you do. Be truthful in dealing with people and treat people kindly. Respect others and they will respect you back. Honor has to be earned. And I have gotten the honor in my life.
Most Important Decisions
The most important career decision is to change my career path from working for other people to working on my own. To be my own boss is a very trial time for me. But I have succeeded and I am proud of the decision that I have made in my life.
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