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Advice Request
Mohammed Ehsan
Mohammed Ehsan

Mohammed Ehsan

Software Developer

Farida Prime Tannery Pvt. Ltd.


Mohammed Ehsan is a member of:

- Expert
Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
M from middle class family from vellore, v r 4 members & m one only educated in my family.
Most Important Lessons
Think think think think think think & plan plan plan plan plan plan before I start. Coz I dont want to struck any where.
The Journey So Far
I did my schooling & diploma & Engg..
Plans for the Future
To be in good position and settle in life
A Fine Balance:
Dont compare ur work wit ur home
Role Model
My role model is myself i dont want to learn from others
Currently working at
IT Analyst, Tata consultancy services
Essential Advice
Plan before u jump in well.
Most Important Decisions
Nothing, everything happened in a flow.
Current and Previous Responsibilities
I ve to see my teamates coding and ve to give magic touch in dat.
Points of inflection
Changing from small company to mnc
Parting thoughts
Nothing else just feeling hungry
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