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Advice Request
Rohit Kachroo
Rohit Kachroo

Rohit Kachroo

IT Service


Degree that I recommend
Six Sigma and LEAN Six Sigma, ITIL V3. Foundation
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Indian Education System, though is improving in standards, still needs to go a long way. The issue of out dated knowledge in the curriculum, is no doubt being replaced with latest information and concepts. However, due to the vast spread landscape, the nation-wide transformation seeps in slow.
Brief description about me
IT Service Professional with 8.5 Years of experience. Have done M Sc. IT Management, from University of Wales, UK. Certified Lead Auditor for ISO 20000 - 2011. Currently working as a LEAN Consultant. Love to swim, play cricket, soccer. Played cricket for Newport cricket club in UK.
My role model
Every one inspires me. There is something or the other to learn from everyone. Still, if I have to choose one or two, it would be both my parents. Father taught me discipline and how to stay focused and keep the stand for right things and Mother on the other hand showed me the art of being firm on the ground.
Initiative to develop a country
Developed country does not mean success in only one or two factors. Multiple arenas have to develop and be at par. So, professionals, if not already transformed, can change their mindset to a progressive one. Domain of doing does not matter as we need all domain to grow equally.
Ensuring success
As they say " Change is a Spice of Life" and "Stagnation always stinks" (this one is my saying though).. I make sure my path is clear to me before i start treading on it. Also I keep on upgrading myself, technologically, Spiritually and mentally.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Leaders are always trend setters. So the most essential quality is to be able to accept change. Also the personality needs to be solution oriented and not Problem oriented.
My strongest skill
Attitude and Ethics
Influenced by
My Father. He is a true all rounder. Hard working, sincere, loyal, honest, and knows how to shun away stress.
Important decision
Marriage!! And am Happily married!! Quoting the word "HAPPY"!!
My family background
Parents, Father is an entrepreneur. Mother is a teacher. Happily married for 5 years with a 9 month old daughter. Wife is working in an IT MNC.
Couple of years from now
As an entrepreneur and helping my father's business grow further not to mention grow my ideas as well.
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