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Advice Request
Rashmi Palaksha
Rashmi Palaksha

Rashmi Palaksha

HR Executive

HR Dept


Rashmi Palaksha is a member of:

Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
My Family consists of my Father working in at Canara Bank, Mother working as Associate Professor at B.Ed College & Brother working as Senior Quality Assurance Engineer.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
I would relate change with respect to more responsibilities assigned to me & increase in the level of trust by my superiors in the quality of my work.
Done Differently:
I think what i have gained here is of immense value & this would be the best way to begin a career.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Have been the top performer in a Quarterly Appraisal at Work.
Role Model:
I have many role models in that way. And they have been my inspiration in all ways. TO name a few - My Supervisor (for his analytical Skills), Abdul Kalam (his visionary insights for India), Neetu Ambani (for her keen interests in Education) & so on.
Job Profile:
Working for the HR Dept i am involved in Recruitment activities, Training & Development, Appraisal Process, Resource Allocation, Pay Roll Management, Few Statutory Requirements, Employee - Work Life Balance, General Administration, Exit Formalities, Employee Grievances etc.
The Journey So Far:
I have in total 2 years & 7 months experience in HR Domain. I started my career in an recruitment consultancy as Lead HR - Recruitment, where i was only involved in the recruitment activities. My next job profile & current one is working as HR Generalist in a small Embedded Systems company.
Growth Strategy:
I constantly keep track with one of the HR Journal - THE HR REVIEW, where in i get more insights of what is happening in the HR world. Also the website Cite HR is of great help. I attend few HR conferences & Keeping in touch with the HR's of other organizations in LinkedIn helps to gain knowledge.
Advice For New Professionals:
Do not rush for Just any job. Think as to what are your strengths & what your passion is. Follow your dream, no matter how much difficulties you face in the initial stages, you will succeed for sure.
Degrees That Matter:
I am not very sure, may be a PHR / SPHR. But i believe a 4 years continuous experience & then a value added certificate would be a better option.
Career Profile:
I was only involved in Recruitment in my earlier job. Now along with Recrtuiment i handle Training & Development, Induction & Exit Process, Appraisals, Pay rolls, General Administration, Employee Welfare, Work Life Balance etc.
Required Reading:
Websites - HR Village, Cite HR, SHRM, HR.COM, etc.
Publications - HR Review
Plans For The Future:
HR Generalist with hands on experience in meeting Business needs.
The Decisions That Matter
Sticking to a job for a decent duration.
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