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Advice Request
Deepak Bhanot
Deepak Bhanot

Deepak Bhanot

nutritionist and ayurvedic doctor

Dr Shikhas Nutrihealth systems Pvt Ltd.

Blogs (3)

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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I was born and brought up in a middle class nuclear brahmin family at Delhi (originally migrated from Punjab)with strong family and cultural values. My father a science graduate, has served the GOI as an accounts officer, and mother though a BA Bed,preffered to bring us up over her teaching career.
Job Profile:
I have served as an Ayurvedic consultant, senior dietician, and corporate projects head during my tenure with several wellness companies like Health Total, Dr Shikhas NutriHealth systems, Lifecentury Pvt Ltd etc.The job ranged from giving professional advice to the clients to business generation.
Career Profile:
NA as running my own clinic by the name of Nutrition Plus
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Opening of my own Nutrition and wellness clinic.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Yes the emoulments in the wellness industry are far better than my first job and demand not only professional acumen and client satisfaction thereoff but also ability to retain old clients and sell the services to new clients.
Role Model:
Dr Shikha Sharma, my ex-boss is my role model as she embodies the quality of a true human and gives her employees enough oppurtunities to evolve and progress laterally and vertically in the organization.She has taught me the value of multitasking and being ever keen to be open to new ideas.
Degrees That Matter:
A recognized degree/diploma in nutrition and dietetics/medicine or both and a minimum of 2-3 years of work experience in a reputed institution.
Advice For New Professionals:
First deserve then desire.
The Decisions That Matter
Expanding my field of work from being an Ayurveda consultant only to multi disciplinary area of wellness that includes advising on nutrition, exercise, stress management( through cranio sacral therapy and panchkarma) and very recently my latest passion the ayurvedic accupuncture using small magnets.
Plans For The Future:
I believe in consolidation than unmindful expansion.I though will consider opening multiple centres as there is always a demand of locally accessible wellness centres in many pockets of Delhi and NCR.
Other Thoughts:
Well It is a sad story that my blog on weight loss was read by several thousand people but its surprising not even a single person had any thing to discuss with me about nutrition and wellness!
Done Differently:
I would be aquiring a degree in yoga and naturopathy in addition, for which I do not have time now.
Working Life Management:
I am loving my lunch breaks as I work in two shifts.Sunday is off. I get up early. All this gives me ample time for pursuing my hobbies,give time to my family and also to finish other essential sundry tasks.
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