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Advice Request
Rajeevv Kalra
Rajeevv Kalra

Rajeevv Kalra

Enterpreneur and IT Consultant


More about myself
I train people from various IT domain to soft skills. I earn utmost contentment when my participants live their earned knowledge.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
During training I always realized there is a gap between our education system and industry. We are more theory oriented and lack innovation. I see a huge scope in bridging this. In fact this is my business model.

As most of talented candidates even do not reach their true potential and land up with jobs they do not like doing. Lending opportunity and motivating youth is still an undone task. Education is getting commercialized and loosing its value.
I think following measures can do good.
1)Giving platform to talent holders.
2)Imbibing life skills and cultural value.
3)More stress on education that can give them livelihood.
4)Encourage education with value creation.
My strongest skill
I motivate people. I believe my technical acumen is my sub skill.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
A true leader is a pathfinder who leads from front. He/she energizes, motivates and understand his/her peers potential.
Leader leads when team need him the most. It is like railway engine leading boogies to their destination.
Important decision
Starting as an Entrepreneur. It is a turning point and major decision in my life.
My achievements
I train people help them reach their true potential. Bringing happiness to everybody's life is my mission cum business model.
I am adept in various computer science subjects from language to networks. I am a Microsoft and Cisco certified professional.
My role model
Steve Jobs, because he was true innovator and a leader.
Couple of years from now
I see my self on the Rise as I enjoy what I do rest I leave on time. I wish if I can expand my self as an organization.
Ensuring success
Perseverance is my mantra.
My family background
I am blessed with loving parents, caring wife and cute little daughter. I can never pay back them for their unconditional support.
Initiative to develop a country
Start teaching and reaching under privileged citizens. Help them to sustain with education and values. Give them education that helps them to do their job better.
Important lesson learned
Never say die, always fight challenges. Run after challenges, seek them and beat them but never run away from challenges.
Degree that I recommend
I wish to do MTech in Computer Science.
Influenced by
My mother because she got tons of patience I am still gaining lot from her.
Brief description about me
Hi, I am Rajeevv Kalra, an entrepreneur and IT Consultant. As a person I am self driven, self starter and energetic. I have completed my masters in telecom from a distance mode which helped me in propelling my career while at work. I am self taught person who heavily relies on experiential learning.
After spending more than a decade swinging from SME's to big corporate like Ienergizer, Airtel, Nis Sparta and Nokia Academy. I finally ventured into entrepreneurship.
My journey from a shy hesitant person to stage master, mentor trainer took me through various turfs of life. This tenure was not easy for me. During my tenure as at various corporate,I fused my training with technical expertise and selling skills which optimized team selling skills. I won many accolades from clients. I could not have dreamed this without unconditional support from my parents, wife and my little daughter.
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