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Advice Request
Prithviraj Nath
Prithviraj Nath

Prithviraj Nath

Chief Executive Officer,Elcom International Pvt. Ltd.

Elcom International Pvt. Ltd.


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Influenced by
I had been influenced by many people in my life. To begin with I am influenced by my father the most. He is one of the most hardworking person I have come across.Duty came first for him always.Secondly I learned from my Korean Bosses in Samsung the need to be disciplined and diligent in one's work. I was influenced by my bosses in an American MNC to be hands on and speedy execution.Finally I was extremely influenced by the Humility of Mr. Azim Premji
Ensuring success
It is always important to sharpen your Axe from time to time.I always remember the story of the wood cutter who forgot to sharpen his axe time to time even though he had loads of experience behind him.I always find time to read something new and interesting which might not be related to the business I am in. I completed my post graduate diploma in renewable energy last year just because this topic is something which is close to my heart. Interacting and meeting people out of your domain is what I do to get a fresh prespective of life and career
Initiative to develop a country
I always believe that change begins with me.Despite of all the ills our country is plagued with ,we professionals can take the right step in contributing to the development of our country.To begin with professionals in India need to be hard working like the chinese,Execute projects like the Koreans, Innovate like the Japanese and Americans and protect environment like the Europeans.As well as maintain a high ethical standard in their work environment.Indian professionals also are extremely risk averse. They should take the plunge and start new ventures as entrepreneurs so as to generate jobs for the fellow countrymen.
Couple of years from now
We professionals are always looking at taking something from the society. I plan to give something back to the society few years down the line. It might be through social work in the field of education,environment or empowerment of women.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
The education system needs to be synchronized with the need of the society as a whole. Our education system still follows the British Raj system which was meant for creating clerks. In this age of knowledge economy,innovation is going to be the biggest tool for an economy to prosper. Our education system still doesn't supports innovation and the teaching methods are draconian. To begin with the teacher student relationship has to go through a paradigm shift. The teachers should mentor students as friend and counselor so that the student's innate skill of asking question and there by his curiosity is nurtured.This will create a new generation who are highly innovative and create a vibrant economy .
My achievements
Successfully completing a project in US for one of the retail customer in record time. Setting up the supply chain for a new factory in China. Setting up of offices in Beijing,Nanning for one of my Indian employer.Recently completing my Post Graduate Diploma in Renewable Energy.
Important decision
Take one challenge at a time. I had been adventurous enough to explore the unknown. I remember packing my bags and moving to China with my family when my kids were very small and the language completely unknown.Change has been an constant in my life. Whether working for fortune 100 MNCs or working for smaller Indian SME organization.
My family background
I am happily married with my wife,Hena for the last 17years. We have two lovely daughters aged 13 years and 11 years.Without my family's support and love it would have been very difficult to cover the life's journey so far.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
A successful leader is like a 3 years old kid who wakes up in the middle of the night and cries for getting a toffee and the whole house ensures that he gets what he wants. But at the end of it,they still love the kid. The new age leader needs to be more like partner and work hands on with his or her team.Mentor and coach the team members. Empower and delegate them responsibilities.Today's leaders need to understand the power of delegation. It can work wonders for the leader,team member and the organization as a whole.
Important lesson learned
Humility,Honesty and Hardwork the 3H can take you places.There are no shortcuts in life.Never stop learning.The most toughest job is to manage yourself rather then others.Stay healthy.Money cannot buy you peace and good health.
Brief description about me
I am a professional with over 17 years of experience behind me in various industries ranging from consumer electronics,Power Electronics,Chemical,Retail,consultancy,Renewable energy and Electrical Manufacturing.I have worked in various geographies which included a seven year stint in China. I believe that learning should never stop.There is something to learn from everyone all the time.
My role model
I am inspired by Mr. Ratan Tata and Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla. Under their leadership both the groups TATA and BIRLAs haa grown exponentially without compromising on their ethics. Both of them are one of the best Business strategists we have seen in recent times.
My strongest skill
New Product Development,Project Management, Supply Chain,Operations,Sales and Marketing
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