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Vachaspati Mishra
Vachaspati Mishra

Vachaspati Mishra


Maharashtra Institute of Technolog Pune


Vachaspati Mishra is a member of:

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Family Background
Born in a family of farmers in rural Bihar, i was graciously educated in a joint family, with courtesy of good teachers, securing a National Merit Scholarship for Post Matriculation Studies in India. Bought books out of prizes. Did BSc Hons, AISM (Dhanbad), MBA and PhD under challenging environment.
Contribution to the field
I belong to a Group of(70)Institutions of Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT) Pune. This institute was created in 1983 by initiative of Prof Dr Vishwanath D Karad, a person with rural background who rose to be a Mechanical Engineer and a Professor in college of Engineering.
Positioning the product
Through my personal example to my students and colleagues as well as through Social Media - linkedin and facebook.
Future trend
Marketing has assumed new dimensions and challenges in all its 5 Ps - Product, Place, Price,Promotion and People. Each needs to be examined and strategized for providing an effective leverage to your organization.
Importance of Marketing
My self assigned marketing role, apparently less conspicuous, is to bring impact over a larger time line.It is like a slow and steady race of the turtoise - against fast and broken kneejerk attempts of the rabit. Results of my efforts may be seen after half a decade or more.
Marketing is identifying and cultivating the customer for your products and services, upgrading the products and services with changing times and continuously re-culturing the customers as well as renovating the products and services to keep your business to its optimum running capacity.
Achieving Targets
I am in a business of higher education. My sales force is the Professors. Their continuous upgradation with changing times is cricial to meet the target of imparting education to students upto their receiving capability. Frequent counseling, motivation and prompt response to students feedback helps.
Today there a re no barriers to new entrance in businesses. Cost and quality competitiveness plays crucial role on business survival or excellence. The challenge is to maintain the highest standards after you have reached them. Other streams of business have become easier to handle with new IT.
It has never happened with me. If at all it happens it will show gross lack of planning. Hypothetically, when all hope is lost, one can always be prompted to get up and get going again.
Selling is an instantaneous activity or carried over a short duration. Selling, however, should be treat4d as a part of overall marketing strategy which is for a longer term. Marketing has to keep in mind the Vision and Mission Statements of the Organization and accordingly its 5Ps formulated.
Motivating Factor
A greatest motivational factor is the excellent HR Practices. Surprisingly there is no HR incumbent at the highest echelon, because the owner himself does the HR Management. A rare case indeed. That is like a dream of any Strategic HR Manager of Director. My maturity in life is respected.
What can be achieved
No limits at all. Where a limit is laid to a marketing person, that business will collapse and cease to exist.
Recommended Courses and Certification
They should all be PhDs (I mean they should have gone through all the rigmarole a researcher has to go through to acquire that PhD Degree)..even though they have to do a selling job. JRD Tata (without Engineering of Doctorate) with his humble selling style was a greatest strategist.
Importance of STP
Absolutely important. Otherwise you will mix up apples not only with oranges, but even with pineapples!! You have not done your marketing if you have not done all this.
Crucial it is in todays world. Branding with proper certification must be carried out. You can reach your new customer today only through your brands. If you don't build your brand, your business will soon become a questionmark!!
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