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Advice Request
Nihar Ranjan Swain
Nihar Ranjan Swain

Nihar Ranjan Swain

Project Manager

Technocare Services Pvt Ltd

Blogs (1)
Degree that I recommend
Yes I had taken admission in ICAI. But you know as I am from a middle class family it was very difficult for me to afford all the study expenses so I had to leave the courese.
Couple of years from now
Really this is a good question. Because in our live we all are living with our future goal alternatively we can say that the goal which we have is the inspiration for our career. In a couple of years I want to sea myself in a position by which I can do something for my society.
Initiative to develop a country
Professionals have the talent to their work in the best way.All professionals should think that wee are living in our country and should live for our country. But now it is not happening. I am giving an example about a Charted Accountant who was in Satyam. Had he done his work properly. Obviously not. The financial strength of our Country depends upon Charted Accountants and our country is a developing country we have to get together and have to give our 100% for the development of our country.
More about myself
Not at all. Because all the questions you have asked are really appreciable.
My family background
I am from a middle class family. My father is a farmer and my mother is a house wife and my younger brother is continuing his graduation.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
The education system in India is not so good. We have to change the system. Our system like that we can give good servants or good employees. I told this thing because a person after doing MBA he is looking for a job why he does not thinking to do business of hiss own.Because after getting a master degree in business he is thinking about a job. So we have to change the mind set-up of the people that education is not for a job, we can create a job also.
Important lesson learned
The most important thing is that belief on yourself. Because this is the thing which can make you successful person.
My achievements
Getting a managerial job.
Ensuring success
Learning more and more and also giving my 100% towards my job.
My role model
There is not a model only poverty inspired me.
Brief description about me
I am Nihar Ranjan Swain.I completed my graduation in 2009.Then I joined in ICAI but because of some problem I had to leave to my study.Then I joined in a company for 1 year.After working there I jumped in to another company with a higher designation. Now I am with that company. About my family we are 6 members. Like my Grand father,Grand mother ,father, mother, one brother and I. About my hobbies I like to play cricket and listening to music.I love to take challenges. That's all about me.
Influenced by
My parents,my talent and the belief that yes I can do.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Giving concentrate towards the work what is he doing. Loving the work and also the positive thought that yes I can do.
My strongest skill
• Unique motivational convincing powers.
• Presenting knowledge inside the seminar.
• Projects initialization and advertising skills.
• Immediate problem solving power.
• Company economic balancing management skills.
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