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Advice Request
Krunal Mehta
Krunal Mehta

Krunal Mehta

Vice-President, Branding Corporate Communication

Angel Broking


Krunal Mehta is a member of:

Family Background
I am from a business family background. My father is successfully running printing business & my grand father is into the apparel business.
Contribution to the field
It is one of the best places to work for. Lot of empowerment & responsibility is shared with employees. If i have to define the culture in few words, i will say
Future trend
Marketing is becoming more & more evolved now a day's. It is no more the traditional way of marketing where there was seller's market. The modern age consumers are at the forefront with they being more informed & aware. Also the consumer mindset is moving towards
Brief yourself
I am currently a Vice-President - Branding & Corporate Communications, Angel Broking, A career spanning over 13 years, i have handled sales, distribution, marketing, branding, corporate communication & strategy.
Importance of STP
It is quite critical to segment the product so that you derive the key direction, it then becomes imperative to target the product to a category so that you can derive attributes/ value and positioning is elementary to have a clear approach to the consumer.
Marketing is nothing but knowing your consumers well & creating a product which exactly fits into his needs & then derives the value for experience out of the offerings. It is if utmost importance for brands to know their consumers needs & to fit their offerings around that.
What can be achieved
There is no limit, top is where one could go, because the marketing person is in the best position to know the consumers well. Companies that know their consumers well are the most successful
Recommended Courses and Certification
MBA in marketing.....going forward post that if one wants to study more, along with work they could opt for PHD in consumer mindset.
It gives you insights to the biggest influencer, which is consumer
Importance of Marketing
We are in a industry where people are our biggest assets, be it employee or consumers. This makes my role more critical to be as close to people as possible & to understand their needs & create a model around that.
Future prospect
Importance of sales
It is the lifeline which gives blood to the body. The revenues are generated through sales. from a consumer perspective also it is very important, because through your sales you reach out to the consumer with your offering, rather than he reaching you.
Role in an organization
I play the sheet anchor role in the organization, i head the entire communication, Branding & corporate communication.
Positioning the product
Our positioning is
Quite dynamic, i have grown both organic & inorganic. Infact i judge my growth in terms of my learning which is phenomenal.
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