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Ask Komal Prasad Sharma for Advice
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Advice Request
Komal Prasad Sharma
Komal Prasad  Sharma

Komal Prasad Sharma

service man turned bisiness men

shri gopal printer

Current Job description
respected sir when i am in job my work is satisfied our costumer any how, from quality to rate
Awards and Recognitions
i received only wishes and i do our work, for company growth
Important career decisions
when i desided i left our job and start our business
Influenced by
when i start our business, every body says, he is un successful i business, i prove wrong in 18 month of that persons
More about me
i give message for those people who want to start our business, go ahead with open eyes, never see back , work hard gain more
Handling Grievances
yes i give guidance and handle all issue
Excellence in Management
i give good business when i am in service
Team Management
my support on all ways
My advice
work hard and hard
Managing personal and professional life
personal and professional other things, when you in company forget all things, when you in house forget company
Leadership qualities
every thing is easy nothing is hard
Ensuring Growth
improvement in work always
Family background
our family belong to village family i have two brother, mother, three children, wife
My views on India Technical development
make the way simple, give support,
Tech Management matters more on
first you know the things, knowledge make way simple
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