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Advice Request
Hirok Dutta
Hirok Dutta

Hirok Dutta

aircraft engineer

capgemini business india limited

Company and job profile
Well, i m basically still a non graduate Aircraft Mechanic.I started my career with the Kingfisher Airlines in 2009 till 2012 March until salary stopped flowing. 2012 March onward i started with Capgemini as a Technical Consultant for Bombardier Process
Making job easier
Never to have grudges and work forward as a team. Never to compete with colleagues but myself. This is a real positive attitude to work without ego and being helpful and accessible to all members in the work force
My achievement
I have honestly never failed to crack a single interview. Else i try to play a powerful resource in my team
Managing professional as well as personal life
This is really tough to maintain a balance in both, when you strive to reach goals. I am a bachelor and still trying to make a better personal life. Be available to both in anytime. I think its really isnt that impossible
Challenges faced in job
Presently i am forced from a field work job to corporate job, it has nothing great to do with future goals when you are forced to switch over a career and you start everything from beginning, but then it help me gain practical life experience.
Current Trends
Its totally a growth in aviation sector that makes our job, so a rapid growth in this field is an inevitable wish to shoot myself high in my career. Positive attitude is all everyone needs to have
My important career decision
To join aviation when i was a kid though at that time of life i couldnt imagine the hardship , but than my hard work and toil oubeated the recession everytime.
My advice
Be realistic neither pessimistic nor optimistic. Positive attitude has far different meaning dont confuse it with optimism. Change with situation finally its the fittest one to survive
Goals and Ambitions
Life is a mystery. Setting goals shouldnot be revealed, it just narrows your range. Keep moving with your good.
Being different
Engineer means you got ideas to do what isnot possible for most of the mind. Never say no to an issue, protocols never work for engineers in the way to make something work. I prefer getting solution anyhow, anyway from anyone. I am a free will and prefer not to be secluded in my own ideas. I believe in share and flourish
My strongest Skill
Basic knowlege of linux in networking, Aircraft Electrical Systems, Technical publication of All Aircraft Manuals including Authoring and Illustration ( illustration tools- isodraw, tech illustrator)
Family Background
I hail from a middle class family, where i was taught to value every penny.
My role model
I never believe in following someone else, i need to make with my own life and situations. There are lot to do then following someone. Else i would like to count some great people for certain specific reasons
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
We are lacking in Mettalury, We are lacking in raw materials, We are lacking of enterpreuners. The present system of government which set laws which are practically impossible to start up manufactering of technical products here in india.We have talent but we prefer not to take risk and be counted as fools
Books recommended
I dont have enough time to read books and follow for career.
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