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Advice Request
Haresh Motirale
Haresh Motirale

Haresh Motirale

Founder Director



Haresh Motirale is a member of:

Career Profile:
I have been able to bring in marketing & sales expertise with involvement in activities such as marketing plan, media plan, sales plan to launch real estate projects across the board etc. While bringing all this to table I believe my core asset has been business acumen to achieve our objective
The Decisions That Matter
I believe the most important career decision would be to come out of the cozy cabin and get on to much exciting journey of being entrepreneur. Calling the shots and taking most important decisions of the organisation while taking up the biggest risk on personal financial requirements.
Job Profile:
Core profile is to develop new business, establishing relationships with Clients, constantly looking out for strategic alliance opportunities. Apart from this adding value from the creative instinct and brainstorming with creative team on concept & developing products & ideas.
Company Profile
Brandniti- A Regenti Media Pvt. Ltd. Venture, is a full fledged Design and Communication Agency
focused on adding enormous value to its Clients. What started in the early 2012 as a one stop shop for
all Marketing and Branding needs of Real Estate Developers, has quickly gained momentum to
encompass a range of services. It’s now set for geographical expansion with establishment of regional
offices at Pune and Bengaluru that would become operational in October 2013.
My Role
Since they started in 2012, the founders Smita and Haresh have been actively involved in the business since its inception. Their combined experience in Marketing and Planning has helped immensely in taking the accelerated growth path. What started off as a purely design & communication services agency with 2 employees on board, has now blossomed into a one-stop shop with 15 employees for all Marketing & Branding solutions. This tremendous organic growth has been possible due to their
hands-on experience in Administrative, Planning, Sales and Marketing Leadership, and their ability to implement processes and systems in the agency environment. Smita was at forefront when starting up and has been steering the team effectively. Initially, the emphasis was on building accounts to trigger the cashflows, hence, they focussed on Developing Businesses. Steadily, having grown to a stature, Smita takes control on developing new Businesses, while Haresh takes charge of the agency’s operations. The successful duo is poised to attain greater heights as they prepare themselves to conquer fresh terrains in Pune and Bengaluru.
Relationship with potential investors
We are on a growth spree, and, going forward, we may look for investments to support our organic growth plans. We are also looking forward to strategic alliances, which would add value to us in the form of domain expertise in innovation & media space. As we have setup our future plans, a majority of the investments in our business would be made in technology, manpower and opening up regional offices at Pune & Bengaluru.
Culture as the company has grown
The company believes in giving tremendous amount of flexibility to the team to figure out the most innovative ways. We have an open and transparent communication system, with a flat organizational structure that encourages creative thinking. The atmosphere at our Agency premise is always participative, refreshing and upbeat. We’d like to think of us as a closely knit family.
Difficulties faced
When we started, our single biggest challenge as a start-up was putting together the right team; we have always believed that the quality of resource is foremost, and getting them together is crucial. However, we are proud of the fact that over a period of time we have been able to put together a skilled & passionate team that is aligned to our long term vision.
Advice to young entrepreneurs
We think, as long as you are following your passion, things fall in places. You also get like Minded people on the way who later become your mission Partners. Your successful endeavour starts with your passion, and your careful evaluation and selection of an extremely able team that would take you closer to your business objectives. About the Promoters With Haresh’ rich experience of 14 years in Marketing & Sales with Real Estate Corporate Developers such as IL&FS, G: Corp Group and Peninsula Land, he has been able to bring in marketing & sales expertise with involvement in activities such as marketing, media and on sales plan to launch real estate projects across the board etc. In addition to a background of Masters in Graphics & imation has added immense value to the Agency. Haresh’ creative instincts and ability to think through innovative concepts and brainstorm along with team helps sees us through all our operations challenges. Smita being a qualified Architect with honors and Founder Director & CEO of a Real Estate portal During her tenure at as a CEO, she was also instrumental in getting funding from an international partner, IPGA Group Company listed with Australia Stock Exchange. She brings with her enormous strength as a Business leader and networked individual. She has not only carved niche for herself as a Women Entrepreneur but also is a renowned figure in the real estate space. Her understanding on product and marketing has been core value proposition for all our valued Clients. Her dynamic and never say die attitude has enabled us to cover our journey till date comfortably. She is also been a recipient of young achiever of the year award conferred by CMO Asia in 2011 for Marketing & Branding.
Key thoughts about Entrepreneurship
We would like to reiterate that one has to follow a strong passion to be a successful Entrepreneur. It’s also equally important to mention that there’s a tremendous work that goes towards creating an entrepreneual system, from the conceptualization stage, to initialization and then consistently running a system. This, besides a consistent hunger to achieve newer milestones. You wouldn’t be there, unless you are motivated by a constant passion that drives you through the challenges. If You have the Passion..Pounce on it now!
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