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Advice Request
Gopinath Jambulingam
Gopinath Jambulingam

Gopinath Jambulingam

Consultant Linguist

Gem Translators

Degrees That Matter:
Yes, Universities do offer Diploma, Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses in Linguistics and Translation. Besides, Certain institutions like American Translators Association (ATA) offer certifications.
Growth Strategy:
I keep updating myself with the latest trends in the translation industry. I visit Forum and read relevant posts and comment. I mark my presence in Social Medias like FaceBook. I am looking for tie-ups and registering with professional organisations for business development. I pay attention/importance what competitors are doing around for sustainability. I always ensure Customer Satisfaction to enjoy their continued support and loyalty. I always have an eye for the opportunities for growth either vertical or horizontal.

At regular intervals, i do introspection and attempt to correct my weaknesses.
Plans For The Future:
I should upgrade my company's present status to a Private Limited Company in the next 3 years and be its Managing Director.
Other Thoughts:
To learn more about me (professional skills) Please log on to
FaceBook: Gopinath Jambulingam
Involvement in the Industry
I have authored / compiled 3 Books with the experience gained in Sura Books Pvt. Ltd.
A sample literature translation (English to Tamil) is approved by Sahitya Academy, a premier institution in India, that publishes great books in 24 languages. I am certified translator of
Advice For New Professionals:
Never compromise with business ethics; Though, unethical practices give you steep growth in a short time, you are always at the risk of a sudden fall.
Required Reading:
Books: Wings of Fire by ABJ. Abdul Kalam & The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
Publications: New Horizon Media, Penguin Books & Tata McGraw Hill
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Despite having a commerce background, i established myself successfully in the areas of translation, editing & proofreading. I have 3 books to my credit and have many of my creative writing published.

My 6-year work experience as Editorial Assistant made me Editor in a reputed book publishing house called Sura Books Pvt. Ltd., Chennai.
Working Life Management:
Honestly speaking I am a workholic. I am not a perfectionist at this. However, I try to spend most time on Sundays with family and avoid any business.
The Decisions That Matter
Quitting Delhi Press Patra Prakashan Pte Ltd in 2007 as Editorial Assistant and to join Sura Books P. Ltd as Editor.
Job Profile:
I do multiple roles, i.e., business development, Vendor development / outsourcing, Accounts, Translation in my Native language pair (English - Tamil and Tamil - English & Hindi - Tamil
Changes In The Professional Environment:
More Population; More Competition. Besides, there are remarkable advances in technology that have led to the birth of many new methods, tools which are improving productivity and quality while cutting down the cost. This, no wonder, brings out tough competitors regularly.

Before translators used to write and deliver. Now, translators are expected to have keyboard, internet, web research, PC, Software, CAT Tool skills to be employed with MNCs / Institutions.
Career Profile:
A sole proprietor, as the name implies, a lot of responsibilities like business generation, execution, customer service, accounting & fund management, after-sales service etc.

Attending Phone Calls and handling enquiries are also part of the job.

Whereas, in the capacity of Editor, my responsibilities were limited only to my Job Description and only for the fixed Working Hours. I am answerable or accountable only to the MD.
Role Model:
Swami Vivekananda. I am inspired by his knowledge and Wisdom. His concentration & oratory skills are world famous.
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