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Advice Request
Dr Pruthviraja Pande Pande
Dr Pruthviraja Pande Pande

Dr Pruthviraja Pande Pande

Professor and Business Enterpren

HR Trainer & Motivator


Dr Pruthviraja Pande Pande is a member of:

Leadership Programs in Place:
ILP AND SELP of Landmark Education Forum: Where I could standup on my inner strength with full transformation. Brahmajnaana Courses from the World Community Service Center, Coimbatore: Which made me more spiritual and potential from me itself. Kundaliniyoga: At Haridwar which awakened me towards divinity and truth
Attract good people, Retain Better Performers and Advance the Best:
I communicate and share information with them either by a chat or correspondence. But it is true that i am very choosey in selecting my inner friends. As my profile itself is of various denominations and stream, i definitely retain only truthful, honest, hardworking and talented people around me. I advance with the people who are extra-ordinary out of my selected span to go ahead in any of my projects further.
Pain Points:
Firstly, Not Recognizing one's honesty and talent. Secondly Not motivating the HR either for the organizational need or for enhancing the morality of himself. Thirdly, lack of Industrial Relations between the Management and the workforce in modern Industrial World where both are stressed for no gain?
Recommended Reading
Websites: All Religious, Traditional and Devotional websites irrespective of religion, language and region. Any websites which motivates and enhances the morality
Books: Of course all Religious books which spreads love, faith and bhakthi. Books which teaches transformation, Positive attitude and enhances one's inner potentials irrespective of religion, region and language.
Magazines : Only those which are optimistic enough to empower the reader. The Magazines which teaches transformation, Positive attitude and enhances one's inner potentials irrespective of religion, region and language
Recruiting new generation:
OK It is a Managerial Question, The recruitment itself has become much complex today, I recruit people who are much inclined towards humanity and cultural in addition to the basic requirement for the recruitment. because, ultimately, irrespective of anything, finally it is the "person" who performs and be a partner with the organisation. as for as the retaining is concern, the retention of HR has become a major problems now a days. That is the reason, i said, there is a vast gap between the management and workforce now a days due to lack of industrial relations. retention is a long process which begins from personal relations to motivation, incentive and other issues like what he likes? The ambition is just a cloud, a real ambitious individual will have clear vision in himself. it is fine if one is ambitious but more that is he should be focused. now a days the ambitious is only limited to better incentives, perks and grade of employment which is not totally scientific.
Identifying and Promoting New Leaders:
We need to have Periodical workshops on leaderships. Motivate them frequently to enhance their leadership qualities and allow them to participate in leadership programs both in workshops and in organisation so that you can evaluate their strengths to identify them as leaders. after you watching them for a considerable long period to satisfy yourself, by knowing their patriotism and participation for your growth and profitability of your organisation, you can think of promoting them. for promoting again, you need to be very cautious about mutual trust you retain during the process. ultimately it is again the Industrial Relations which matters between two individuals in any organisation. your promoting his leadership qualities, you can even depute them for high learning so that he can lead others under him after his leadership qualification.
Parting Thoughts
Please promote Self-Realisation, Motivation, Patriotism and Participation in Human Resources. Try to make HR more ethical and spiritual so that they would be much traditional in their approach towards an individual and the organisation rather than commercial as they are today? Please Conduct workshops like Yoga, Spiritual seminars, Personality Development workshops, Musical and Classical get together for the reduction of their stress and pressure.
Relationship with HR and Top Management
HR department is normally a department which is not liked by many of the organisation. the HR Department and the CEO should work as partners in total faith and trust for each other. the CEO should normally give an yes to the HR department as it is the only center of nerve which control the people both at work and supervising. the HR Department is nothing but a Capital input to the Whole organisation for its function, growth and profitability. In any organisation, if both CEO and HR Department if they have good relations including their Industrial Bargaining, Iner-relations, there are no reasons for those organisations to loose their targets
Current HR Trends:
1. Lack of Industrial Relations. 2. Absence of Trade Unions
3. Culture of Working from home. 4. No Attachments of HR to its FIRM
5. Frequent Change of Jobs 6. All wants to become leaders
7. No one would like to work for an establishment for a long time?
8. Transitional fear for non-IT professional like me to fully IT sector
Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
1. Personal Attitude. 2. Cultural background of candidate
3. All required Qualifications 4. flexibility in his/her Experience
5. candidates intention to learn/work
6. His/Her Adaptability for a change
Advice For Fellow HR Leaders:
1. Extract what you want and grant what they want
2. HR is a continuing process, sustain better inter-personal relations
3. let one work with pleasure not with the pressure
4. Train them to self-realisation to create awareness among themselves about their work obligation for their salary and perks paid by the establishment.
5. Periodically motivate them and boost their morality
HR Strategies In Place
I was in Management of SBI, which utterly failed in changing the mindset of its army. I suggested many times to conduct periodical workshops, seminars for self-realisation, leadership, transformation, self-realisation etc., but were not adopted as it is a Gaint PSU? Sorry, presently i am not working anywhere.
Improving Education system
Unfortunately, Education in India has become only a Commercial Industry today. The Education in India today is at par with either the Industrial or business organisations to match their theory and practical skills or the international standards to meet the competence. That is why we are not listed in top 200 Universities of the Universe. Basically, our Government did not care to basically educate our Minority, Poor, Backward communities which are suffering both socially and economically since independence. And not the government's RTE does not go for a long as there are already many private institutions refusing for fresh admissions as the ruling government did not reimburse the previous years aids to the private educational sector. so, the Education System in India is a total failure. The Government School Children and teachers both need to be motivated and empowered right now. it is unfortunate, they are struggling to basically sit on floor without basic classrooms.
HR Challenges:
1. Industrial Bargaining,
2. Retention of Human Resources
3. External Influence
4. Public Sector V/S Private Sector
5. The Government should stop flooding tax payers money to the public sectors just to compete with the private sector.
6. Lack of Participation of HR
7. As the HR's Attitude is UN-predictable, planning will not be much qualitative in its strategic approach
Helping to develop the country
Professional can Promote Patriotism towards society, Organization and the Nation of their HR force. They can also Promote Traditional and Cultural Values of their workforce. Periodically enhance them for better performance. Try to make them much ethical and enhance humanitarian, inter-personal relations. Enhance their Self-realisational potentials. And finally take from HR what you want and grant them what they want? [Industrial Bargaining]
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