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Advice Request
Gurvir Birring
Gurvir Birring

Gurvir Birring

Ingersoll Rand (I) Ltd.


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
We are a small family of four, myself, my parents and a younger sister. My father is a retired lecturer & mother is a house wife. My sister is completed his studies, MSc in agriculture recently and now working with a national bank as agriculture officer.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Today, the world is changing very fast and same is also true for frofessional environmental. As India is opening its large market to the world, Indian professionals are getting more opertunities at national & international stage. Now a days companies try to engage their professionals more closly.
Required Reading:
Siliconindia is one of the best sites for not only professionals but for everyone to share their views across the countries and keep oneself up to date about changing world business scenarios and social issues in this fast paced environment. Executive board website is also good for learning profess.
Career Profile:
Now I am interacting with my customer directly, managing & taking operational decisions independently, managing vendor on my own, accessing traning needs of my team and planing & making arrangements of training for my 3rd party team. Also tremendous addition in job scope and responsiblities.
Role Model:
Actually I have two, Steve Jobs for their innovative thinking and new & different approach to business. Ratan TATA for his comittment to soscial welfare & his integrity and ethical business approach.
Advice For New Professionals:
Don't try shortcuts, because there is none in professional streams. Continuous learning and development is the key, that opens the lock to the top!!!
Working Life Management:
Still working on it.
Done Differently:
Try to learn from the failures shared by my superiors & colleagues, they faced during their successful professional careers more tentatively.
The Journey So Far:
I have industrial experience of around 08 years. I was lucky to have the chance to work in multiple and totally different industrial sectors. Also worked with or worked for some world class organizations. So my professional journey till know was quite satisfactory.
Plans For The Future:
Now a days, its very difficult to predict about future career prospects in today's matrix type organizational evironment. But one thing is sure that my Organizational resposibilities and work scope would be much greater than today.
Growth Strategy:
I study a lot and try to concentrate on job learning. Also my organization is investing heavily on employee development & learning. It has on job training program, a vast & dedicated online/class room training program, accessible to all employees. I enrolled for a few and would continue in future
The Decisions That Matter
My professional career is not much longer, but I think joining Ingersoll Rand was most critical decision for me.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Zero Customer Complaint in Last 2 and 1/2 Years.
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