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Advice Request
Dr J Christopher Daniel Ph D
Dr J Christopher Daniel Ph D

Dr J Christopher Daniel Ph D

Founder,Executive Director and HRD Trainer



Dr J Christopher Daniel Ph D is a member of:

Advice For New Professionals:
Professionals who enter workforce ought to develop work related behaviour which demands certain basic workplace competencies in order to meet both individual and organizational goals.The 21st century workplace requires a new breed of ‘knowledge workers’ who have to work more with their brains instead of their backs. To be a successful Professional one must have acquired ‘21st century literacy’ namely the ability to read, write, and compute with competence, think analytically, adapt to change, work in teams and use technology. Professionals aspiring to take up job position should explore the basic elements of self-awareness which may help you decide what competencies you have acquired during the process of academic learning and what skills you may want to develop in you before knocking on the doors of employers? Make a self assessment whether I am a ‘qualified graduate’ or a ‘competent candidate’ and my qualifications do really dovetail with the basic workplace competencies.
Contribution to the field
As a Professor of Social Work and Human Resources Management at the Madurai Institute of Social Sciences, Visiting Professor of Social work/HRM and Senior Advisor at Lady Doak College, Madurai,India and Visiting Professor of the Department of Management Studies(M.B.A),The American college,Madurai I have trained hundreds of young women and men in social work ,social entrepreneurship,human resources management,Business administration and NGO management at the post graduate level.I have guided Ph.D Scholars who have qualified themselves for the award of Degree of Doctor of the Madurai Kamaraj University,India.I have served as a member on the ESF Pool of Reviewers to assess research proposals in the areas of Social Sciences and Humanities for the period 2008-2012 by the European Science Foundation,France.I am a free lance writer and have contributed over 120 articles published in national in national and international journals,books and web magazines and websites.
Job Profile:
I am the Executive and administrative head of the Office of the Goodwill Social Work Centre,Madurai,India.My job profile and the role include the following:

1.To work under the direction of the Executive Committee.
2.To plan and implement all the development programmes of the oranisation in consultation with the Chairman and the Secretary.
3.To exercise supervision of the staff of the organisation
4.To carry on the correspondence or returns on behalf of the organisation with
relevant agencies/ organisations in India and abroad.
5.To execute all deeds, agreements, and contracts on behalf of the organisation and shall be the custodian of all such documents.
6. To implement the aims and objectives of the organisation and to implement the policies taken by the General body and Executive Committee.

Other roles include Project designing,implementation & evaluation,NGO Capacity building & HRD training,NGO networking and consultancy,fundraising and Social research project management
Growth Strategy:
A successful leader is a credible leader who creates values for himself/herself,his/her followers and his/her organisation in terms of quality,performance and results and who always 'walks the talk'.The degree to which a leader is seen as credible is the degree to which the followers will allow themselves to be influenced and does not appear as the 'know-it-all leader'.

As a CEO of non profit organisation I would like to grow and develop myself as a Servant leader being value driven and performance oriented to lead my project staff to do things the right way and to do the right thing and provide an example by their actions and conduct maintaining a continuing expectation and standard for my employees.Sara E.Melendez in her article ‘An outsider’s view of leadership said ‘Good leaders are good teachers'.I also see myself as a teacher and get involved in teaching-teaching the public about issues of my organization,teaching client/beneficiaries the media,funding organizations
Prized Accomplishment(s):
As a Social work & HRM Academic turned Social entrepreneur I was prompted to set up a charity in 1981 to work with children,youth,women and their families in distress with an aim to apply the ‘Goodwill social work model’ as a practice mode and an approach’, which I have developed.I have been instrumental in winning the most prestigious “Panda IT Aid 2006 Initiative:Panda Software Digital Solidarity Grants Program” for the Goodwill social work centre awarded by Panda Software International,Spain.

Through my initiative the Goodwill social work centre was declared as one of the four international winners of “Panda IT Aid,2006”, Panda Software International, Spain( to create community technology centres for children and young adults in low and moderate income families in and around Madurai,India.
Career Profile:
I have been performing both administrative and executive functions which are mostly based on my academic and practiced based professional experiences which I have gained during my career in the institutions of higher learning in the field of professional social work,NGO administration,project management and Human resources management.What I have professed earlier over 35 years I have been practicing now at the institution as well as community based levels.
The Decisions That Matter
As an Academic I have made a career decision not only to teach Professional social work,NGO management,Project management and Human Resources Management to the students of Social Work,HRM and M.B.A but also to practice as a social entrepreneur what I have taught to the student community during my professional career spanning over 35 years.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
The practice mode and the approach to human issues and concerns have changed from charity model to more of preventative, rehabilitative and developmental in perspective based on the principles of scientific humanism in line with the professional social work model combining social philanthropy, professional social work and social development.With a changing scenario in the concept of philanthropy from traditional service funding for social services by International foundations and Corporates NGOs are required to find more sustainable ways of growing social business, particularly while facing decreasing external support from international funding organizations with a social enterprise approach which will have to be adopted as a workable model for NGOs in the future. Furthermore,we as a non-profit entity is looking for opportunities to develop our ideas and meet our need to bring positive social change to the communities with business models to improve sustainability.
Professional Strengths:
My strongest professional skills/attributes are as follows:
1.Professional Ethics, Integrity and Responsibility
1.Personal and professional accountability
2.Academic and practiced based professional experience for over 35 years
3.Willingness to Self-Correct
4.Bottom-up approach and highly accessible to employees and clientele
5.Resilient,patient,perseverance till the goal is achieved
6.Employees enjoy space to freely function with responsibility
7.Willingness to share credit
8.Very communicative
9.Democratic-Participatory leader behaviour
Other Thoughts:
I am a proud winner of the UnltdWorld,(United Kingdom) Global Impact BRIC(Business Resources, Insight and Community) award 2009 presented to me for social entrepreneurship. It is a delight to see Mrs. Libby Brayshaw,Executive Director,Global Links Initiative,UK and GLI(UK) partner and a great friend of our organisation-Goodwill Social Work Centre, who was an invitee to UnltdWorld’s 1st Birthday Party held on Tuesday 5th May 2009 at Atlantic House, Holborn Viaduct,London was so gracious enough to collect the award on my behalf since I could not make it to the event to receive the award in person.Please watch the video of the UnltdWorld award distribution to all the winners at: You will see Libby Brayshaw receiving the trophy from Ms.Nicola
Jones,UnltdWorld,UK on my behalf and offering her comments about me.
Role Model:
My role model is Peter F.Drucker. I am inspired by his words `Too few in our society truly understand the concept of partnership or the nature of the social sector. With government and business, the social sector is one of the three pillars on which modern society is based, and by far the most diverse.But no one sector can do its jobs alone; business cannot thrive in a sick society. All three must work together. We must establish the independence and the interdependence of each sector' The Drucker Foundation has viewed `A healthy society requires three vital sectors: a public sector of effective governments; a private sector of effective businesses; and a social sector of effective community organisations'.
Plans For The Future:
As a CEO of my Non profit organisation I want to see myself as an effective doer in a)asking for ideas,opinions, and feed back from the board members and organisation's staff b)learning to listen to them 3)following up with them and growing on the job over time.
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