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Advice Request
Arvind Saraswati
Arvind Saraswati

Arvind Saraswati

Assistant Professor

Banasidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology

Most Challenges facing by students
The biggest challenge to coupe up the ever-changing nature of our industry. Dynamism of hospitality industry calls for regular learning and keeping yourself updated with the current happenings and changes that might occur in hotel and hospitality sector. So, in current scenario, students can not fully rely on course and curriculum of hospitality education. Extra efforts are required from students to learns things beyond their curriculum to have an competitive edge over others. In persuasion of this they can learn foreign languages, special short term courses to enhance their skills in particular area such as bar-tending, chocolate making, fruits and vegetables carving, sugar art and many more.
My priorities
To prioritize my work, I follow a very simple time management matrix. As per this matrix I categorize my tasks into four groups. Here, first group is named as 'IMPORTANT AND URGENT', which comprises of all task that are important and needs an urgent action. Second group is 'UNIMPORTANT BUT URGENT". Some priority should be given to this task. Third group is 'IMPORTANT BUT NOT URGENT'. This group can be postponed for some time but need carefully supervision as it will be transformed to first group very soon. And the fourth category is 'UNIMPORTANT AND NOT URGENT. Such tasks are given least priority. This technique of prioritizing task cab be applied on daily, weekly and yearly basis
My Advice
Be updated, keep learning and stick to your goals and dreams. Honest hard work and sincere approach never goes waste. Sooner or later they will repay you.
Outlook about way to raise quality education
As said earlier, we should outbreak the traditional way of teaching that is focused on year old theoretical knowledge base. More practical approach and application based learning is required. At the same the industry required more of quality education providers. Not only the students but education providers must also be provided with proper and up to date learning. Education providers must be given proper training of new and improved method of teaching including the use of techno-gadgets for the same.
Unique way of teaching
"Institute-Industry Participation" is the key solution for this. Close coordinated approach is required from both of the partners. Industry must communicate its requirements of manpower (both in quantity and Quality)to the institute and must also take active participation in framing of course curriculum. Regular industry visits for students provide them a greater understanding of the subjects. Time to time guest lectures from industry experts may be of great help. Students exchange programs across the globe can also be a good option for students to learn global perspective
My inspiring personality
I do not have any role model. What inspires me are my dreams that is what I actually follow.
Important Lesson
Honest hard work and sincere approach never go waste. Sometime they may repay you late but they will. So, do not loose hope and keep following your dreams.
Strongest Subject
Ocean of Knowledge is very vast and I am just a learner. Though I have authored one book titled "Hotel Front Office Operations, Accounting and Management" for the learners of hotel management, but still i feel that I am a learner.
Most Rewarding Moment
Every time when I saw any of my student climbing up the ladder of success in his/her life is the biggest reward for me.
Outlook about increase students’ participation
Certainly, today's student are responsible citizens of tomorrow. Besides providing them formal education, provide them good moral values. Makes them aware about their moral duties towards society and the nation. At the same time develop your students into smart, efficient and employable professionals. Development of quality individuals will ultimately results in development of nation.
Favorite Non-Academic books
As I am a education provider as well as research scholar, maximum of my time is devoted only to academic books and related research paper so that i can also contribute to the body of knowledge in my life. But I would to read some motivational books that will keep me in high spirits.
About Me
I am an Assistant Professor of Hospitality and Hotel Management as well as a Ph.D. Research scholar in Management Science. I am an alumnus of IHM, PUSA and earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Hospitality and Hotel Administration. I also holds a Master’s Degree in Tourism Management and Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration in Marketing Management. I have more than nine years of experience in academics and industry. My career graph includes associations with esteemed organisations such as Hotel Samode Palace, ITC Hotel Maurya Sheraton, IHM Hajipur. I am associated with BCIHMT, New Delhi, for past five and half years. I am one of the founder members of India International Hotel Travel & Tourism Research Conference and also associated with “Indian Journal of Applied Hospitality and Tourism Research” from the beginning and contributed to it at various positions of editorial coordinator, editorial advisor and editorial committee member.
Family Background
My father holds a senior position in Ministry of Rural Development. My mother is a lovely homemaker. My elder sister is Doctorate in Medical Science and practicing in Riyad.
Future of Indian Education System
Education in hospitality is very dynamic in nature. It will not confined only to text books and teacher's lectures but it will be much more than this. Practical applicability and application-oriented approach will be the key focus in future. In next few years the hospitality education will witness more of a practical approach towards learning rather than concentrating on theoretical base. This will also open avenues for research based learning that will link actual happenings in the industry with the existing body of knowledge that exists in this field.
Way to motivate Students
By being in touch with my student informally too, help me to understand them better. Teaching is very challenging task. Rule of thumb never works here. As we are dealing with individuals, every mind is different from one another. Different keys are required to unlock different minds. So understand your pupils and act accordingly.
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