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Advice Request
Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar

Amit Kumar


Simbhaoli Sugars Limited

Thoughts on Education system of our country
First of all, we need to understand the TOMA ( Top of Mind Awareness) of people of India. Now days Education system become business.

The measure point which improve education sector as per my view.

1.) Quality Check- A Quality education should reach to all level of child and in any school.
2). Hiring Process of teacher :- Hiring process of a quality teacher should be Crystal clear on each point or be set on parameter.
3). Nominal Cost : When we are talking about India. we need to understand the quality level of educational should reach to bottom level people.

my Points are :

- A good educational system must
- implement curricular contents and methods taking into account the reality on the field;
- Availability of adequate infrastructure;
- School enrolment rates;
- Pass rates at national exams and competitive tests;
- Promotion and completion rates;
- Dropout and repetition rates;
- Literacy rates;
- Respect of gender and regional equity;
- Professional and social Inser
My strongest skill
I am mentioning my nine major strongest Professional Skills/quality.

Leadership skills

Interpersonal skills

Problem-solving skills




The ability to prioritize

Team player

Brief description about me
My name is Amit Kumar. I am a Business Analyst in Simbhaoli Sugars Limited.
My role model
My parents has always inspired me who worked hard all their lives to give all happiness to us.who loved me unconditionally.My dad is truly a great gun for me.. he is my Hero, my role model of lifetime.
Influenced by
My father. He is a absolute Hero for me. he always motivate me in my worst time. And always enjoyed my best moments of life. i truly salute him for his great support and ideas which has in lighted my life.
My achievements
My best achievement of life to get appreciation from my parents & boss in every step of success.
Important decision
Dicision to be very specific towards my goal, my career. Failures come in our life, but we should seat with that failure. Life like a race we need to chase each person to finish the line.
My family background
i am from middle class family. we have seen ups and down of life. we never forget our family value and culture.
Important lesson learned
Mistake- Generally we dare to do mistakes. But i think we should do mistakes. at-least it makes to learn new things, gives an idea to make the thing better in different way.
What kind of essential qualities does a person require to became a successful leader?
A good and successful leader should have following qualities.

Balance Persona.

Team Oriented.

Just and Impartial

Good Listener

Be a role model not a boss


Initiative to develop a country
Basically, we need to follow our correct system/ a protocol of India.

We can make changes by develop good leaders of India.

We need to be very sincere towards our culture, anthem & moral value of India.
Ensuring success
To become a great leader, a person must have the mindset of a leader.he first essential quality required in a leader is integrity. Integrity is something that explains a person's inner values and a person's integrity is displayed through his outward actions. People tend to respect leaders that display good integrity. It is a character trait that is hard to develop, but is often developed from childhood on. Magnanimity is another essential quality that simply means to give credit where it is due. A great leader does not want all of the credit of a company, project or job. Instead, a great leader distributes credit where it is due. He offers credit to those who earn it, and readily displays selfless characteristics. Many times, a leader will not take any credit himself, but will instead credit those around him. To display genuine magnanimity, a person must not be looking for attention to make himself look better, but must be willing to make those around him, stand out.
Couple of years from now
I would like to be at a respectable position at a very recognized and renowned organisation where I could use my creativity and skill to lift my organisation to great heights. I would like b a role model of India. I would like to do anything to make better India.
More about myself
It's really good initiate. i am quite happy to know. At-least we are making some changes to make India better.
Degree that I recommend
Yes. be very specific toward your goal.

1). A degree of SAP Certification

2). DOEACC Certification

3). Business Analysis in Green Belt
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