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Advice Request
Ambarish Rai
Ambarish Rai

Ambarish Rai

social work/Activist

Lok Sangharsh Morcha

Couple of years from now
I am looking myself as a catalist to transform Indian society as egalitarian and just society through the education campaign/ people's movement around education. Every child should have quality education in a equitable manner under the constitutional obligation of the state.
Influenced by
I influenced by Julius Fuchik, a Czech revolutionary and Shahid Bhagat Singh, the hero of Indian freedom movement, with their writings and provocative thoughts in my secondary school days. They have always worried about common man and also fought for liberation, social justice and democracy.
My mother has also encouraged me towards above issues along with the social cause & concerns which is affecting the lives of oppressed masses. In the collage life, i was attracted towards Marxist ideology.
Important decision
After completing my studies, I have decided to work for the people and Nation full time and then started a worker's movement (spinning mill workers) in Uttar Pradesh.After that my unfinished journey of social work as an activist have started and still continued.
My achievements
I worked hard for the poor and underprivileged of Eastern Uttar Pradesh and empowered them politically and economically. I mobilized tribal of Gujarat & Maharashtra for their land rights and more than one lakh tribal get benefited and achieved ownership on their forest lands after the enactment of Forest Rights Act, 2006.
I mobilized thousands of people across the country to raise their voices and sensitized policy makers for the 86th Constitutional amendment which made possible a fundamental right to education for the millions of children. Though, it has still limitations and needed a further amendment for inclusion of all children from 0 to 18 years of age group. Today, I could make powerful voices in the society by bringing all like-minded forces together in favor of education for ensuring access, quality and geo-specific curriculum of education according to the diversity of our country.
More about myself
I never succeeded in my love during my student days and after, due to my hectic engagements and priorities of my life. (But I can't explain it in detail here).
Brief description about me
I am National convener of Right to Education (RTE) Forum since 2010. “RTE Forum” has emerged as a larger civil society coalition in this country consisting 10 thousand grass-root organizations, prominent educationists and Networks/Activists working on education with the intent of bringing equitable and quality education to all children. This Forum is advocating RTE Act, 2009, to be implemented at the ground level so that public system of education could be strengthened.
I have been involved in the student movement in my student days and worked as a National Secretary of All India Student's Federation (AISF). I worked with Trade Unions and also with the movements of land less laborers after completing my Law graduation from Lucknow University. I worked in Gujarat and Maharashtra for building a tribal movement for the enactment of Forest rights Act, 2006. I led NAFRE and PCCSS, known networks in the country, contributed for making Fundamental Right to education a reality in 2002.
My strongest skill
Understanding of issues, making friends, Networking, analysis of situation and mobilization
My role model
which i already said earlier about the revolutionaries.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
We have multi-layered education system in our country which further creates discrimination among children on the basis of cast, gender and economic status. This system is still going on and creating aparthied in education excluding millions of children by depriving them from quality education. These deprived children are belonging to marginal section of our society. Even after the enactment of RTE, Act, 2009, we could not bring equitable system in education. It’s an established fact that without bringing equity in education quality cannot be achieved for all children. The Education Commission led by Prof Kothari (1966) has also expressed same opinion and recommended a systemic change through bringing Common School System on the concept of neighborhood schools. It was reiterated by all successive commissions and policies but never implemented. Now, it is becoming more dependent on Market forces which is again creating a divide between haves and haves not.
My family background
I came from a landlord faimily and my father was in Medical Profession worked as Chief Medical Officer in Uttar Pradesh. I live with my Wife. She is school teacher.
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