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Raghottama Koppar
Raghottama Koppar

Raghottama Koppar

Online Marketing Manager

Koppar Branding Solutions

Blogs (2)

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Importance of 4ps
Mr. Kotler also introduced 5th P as Purpose. Basic understanding of all P is very essential for all entry level marketing aspirants. But for experienced people P means "pocketing their boss concept" is important. Finally the question will be how much revenue is generated from marketing team.
Importance of On line marketing
Today Online Marketing plays an important role corporate world. It also reduces unnecessary efforts like meeting a wrong person who is not interested in our service. Social media is very strong now. For B2B people Linked In is a boon, and Facebook is the best way to develop brand presence online. Online marketing is good even for small companies like visiting card makers.
Achieving Targets
First thing is Planning. I want my team to work smart not hard. List the target customers --> mail ppt --> call them --> ask for an appointment --> if he/she is not interested leave --> proceed to another. I also insist if the client is not interested, don't forget to send him festival greetings regularly. I am sure one or the other day he will approach us.
Importance of Marketing
My role as a marketing lead is very important as my team is responsible for revenue generation. Our aggressiveness and planned effort will definitely bring success to company.
Role in an organization
Here I am taking care of marketing team and online branding activities. First task is revenue generation. Next is working on online marketing methods like to generate more traffic in client's landing page. I work on different online marketing methods like online business listings, social bookmarking, blog marketing (I have also written some blogs in SI), Press Releases, Social media marketing, blogging, and many more.
Future prospect
I would like to be in a key post in a reputed MNC in market research role.
May be Market Research - Sr. Analyst.
Already we have a best product or service. But who will buy it. How buyers should know that a particular product or service is available. Solutions is marketing. (I am not talking about sales here)Marketing is like a heart for any organization. If revenue is not generated how will a company gives salary. It may have a best HR, best writer, best MD, if the marketing is bad or is not strong, it is a serious issue.
Suggestions to aspirants
First they should learn theory properly. I know its value, because I am from media background, when I moved to marketing field I have read so many books on marketing. I request them to daily update themselves on innovative marketing trends. I am sure this will help them a lot. Another thing don't hesitate to market, it may be insurance or a small product. This will teach you a lot more things which will be a way for success.
Future trend
Now Internet is in our hand - Mobile. SMS and Email marketing is booming. Tablets, notebooks and many new gadgets bought a new revolutions in marketing these days.Facebook, Twitter and Linked are playing a major role in small, medium and large organizations. Online Classified ads, OOH, Repetitive TV Ads etc are also used by most of Entrepreneurs.
Recommended Courses and Certification
I think apart from certifications, a strong background both theoretically and practically is important. But the required certificate in marketing is pleasing personality, attractive and meaningful talk and patience are the main certificates.
I think they will not loose hope as they will be under pressure always. I have also observed most people left without informing because they think it is a heavy job and they can't handle it. I say - wait, work, work, work smart then they will understand why this pressure is I have seen most of the people will prepare on how to answer in a weekly review meeting, instead they can use the same time to bring positive results.
Ofcourse Kotler's book. Please read Commerce page of all leading newpapers.
Websites - SI, s+b,,forbes etc.
Branding means identity. It is very much essential for any organization. Now it is divided into Online and Offline Branding. Sales, Marketing and PR are all come under the concept of branding.
Motivating Factor
I started my career as metro reporter in Bangalore. I met so many people and a particular group of people who are in PR and Ad agency influenced me to move out of journalism and do something creative (I am not saying - journalism is not creative). I got exp in Blog marketing and creative writing. I also met people like Lakshmi Narayan who is one of the main persons in I-nurture's MBA Creative Sciences. Many people taught me many things on how to become a good marketing guy and now that's what I am.
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