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Advice Request
Lokesh Gupta
Lokesh Gupta

Lokesh Gupta

Software Development

Aditi Technologies pvt. ltd.


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I belong to upper middle class educated family based in lucknow, Uttar pradesh. Father is consulting Aditya birla group as maintenance engineer for thermal boiler for power plants and currently posted in Indonesia, while mother is a housewife.
In your working career so for, please share with us what have been top 2 or 3 accomplishments/work experience/your contributions to this field.
currently working with Aditi Technologies pvt. ltd. and job profile is Senior Development Engineer for java and node.js environments. Along with my scheduled task of module development, I also get involved in design phase and also presales activities.
Advice for upcoming professionals
The best advice that i can give is to always have great attitude. Attitudes do make difference. another good advice is not to restrict yourself becoming master of java instead know the goods / bads of all languages and master in giving best solution.
Work life Management
being a bachelor it is not that difficult. when I am involved in work hardly get distracted and push all the non essential personal work in queue which i complete once i finish my work or over weekends. When not working everyone in Aditi technologies just enjoy and have fun reducing all the stress.
Current Role
My responsibilities are:
1. Develop the modules assigned to me.
2. Communicate with customer understanding their requirement
3. Collaborate with architect in designing the solution
5. develop proof of concepts, and also implement them if complexity is very high.
Changes in professional environment
I have not noticed much change in professional environment since i joined Aditi technologies
Your role model
My role model is Rod Johnson. He not only figures out the problems or short comings but also come up with the solution to solve them. that's what he did in his book Expert One-on-One J2EE design and development. He not only outlined what is wrong with J2EE but also defined a framework that solves it
Your success mantra
I don't consider myself successful yet.
Starting Differently Again
I would start my career with a start-up company, taking on all the challenges and providing solutions that not only solves the complex problems but also gives them business edge to beat competitions and sustain the business.
Situation where you played important role as a team player
I initiated a weekly event where we discuss all the learning over the last week. We generally brainstorm over the approaches or solutions taken to solve the problem.
My team is very balanced one, where everyone gets their space and yet we are in sync.
Effective decision
My decision of joining Aditi Technologies is definitely an effective decision which enabled me to take the road which leads to success.
My Vision
I see myself playing a role of architect in 5 years.
Areas for the Future
cloud computing is going to matter most in future, with approach that gets taken to application architecture. we are going to think differently about how we solve certain problems when we have access to elastic resources that can scale up or scale down.
Learning’s/ Knowledge gaining
Reading technical articles and implement them in solutions that i provide. also keep myself updated with latest in IT industry, siliconIndia did played major role in this.
Advice for Additional Certifications
As a Java professional, goal should be to become Oracle Certified Master Java EE Enterprise Architect.
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