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Advice Request
Akki Akhtar
Akki Akhtar

Akki Akhtar

Finance Manager

AL Tazaj Fakieh


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My advice
Need to be updated about things happening around the desk, keep track of market and make sure you gain more knowledge about Technology and time saving technic, and be honest towards your goal and make sure there should be a gap for any minor changes...
Ensuring Growth
If you want to grow we should have the quality of self motivation and good manners , and being a leader we should make clear our goal and share the idea of growth …and plan your goal and achieve it this manner we not only achieve our goal but we will grow .
More about me
Well in finance ..time management is very improtant..time is money so value your time and other time to.
Current Job description
Well Right now i am workings as an corporate finance manager...for a MNC
My roles is to set up the financial control system and monitor the activities...form the point of Data Entry to Financial
apart from that being in corporate its my responsibility to guide the management and suggest various healthy business opportunity..
Excellence in Management
Since last year ,,,
I have succefully designed and structure the two companies financial policy & procedure,
set up the capital requirement and budgetary control system
implement Computer system based on company business needs.
My views on India Technical development
Well i agree we have a technical talent..but more then 80% i can say we are just doing copy and following others foot steps...and we have a limited creativity so we shoudld focus on creativity ...and being our country is having limitied resources and a very little support from govt or other institute so talent is not fully exposed...
Awards and Recognitions
Well ..I started my carries as an Accountant , then gradually I climb the ladder step by step.. recognition came to me by hard work and thru learning process…
I received various awards employee of the month, employee of the year, and best team leader
Then once I become a corporate manager I have been awarded as a best consultant award from my organization in form of bonus and position
Leadership qualities
First he should be respectable person, he should not have ego, and he should be a good listener,
Leader should be good communicator , motivator & supporter …
We should design and assign the realistic goal and last but not the least he should trust his team and guide them to the right path. And share knowledge.
Family background
Well i belong to a middle class family... i am the 3rd son and i have two brother and a father was a engineer in HAL, and brother is a doctor
we bought up in a family were first periorty is given to be united and happiness...
Important career decisions
Well the important decision i made...

i have been relocated my self form india to Saudi arbia ..leaving my mother to whome i was very attached...
Team Management
Well environment a such a thing that people create their own environment, once should respectable and flexible by nature, and we should not mix personal ego ...and I believe in our self and give our 100% to our task
Handling Grievances
First we should be cam and I believe that every coin has two faces… so I will listen to the complaint from both the angles
Then for any big problem I will make it small then handling small problem will be very easy…
It is a very interesting process some time we should see the things from there prospect view and it give a chance or experiment the thing which u really see or read in books
Influenced by
Well one is my Father reason is I see he was a cool man, and very supportive...
Another is few people like my Boss MR.Tarik,Mr.Joe ,Mr.Wahab these are three different people with different attitude and from different nation... I learn from the
m how to tackle the life situation & how to mold our personality
Managing personal and professional life
Being a leader... we should question our self and select a team to whom u respect then if u respect your team member then they will naturally respect you , then it will be easy to explain and communicate your goal and guide then in a right path ,then u can achieve easily
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