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Ask Rafat Nayeem Quadri for Advice
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Advice Request
Rafat Nayeem Quadri
Rafat Nayeem Quadri

Rafat Nayeem Quadri




Rafat Nayeem Quadri is a member of:

Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I hail from an educated Muslim family of Hyderabad where education and broad mindedness was always at the top and we had Urdu loving adabi ambiance at home. I am married to a Gujarati Muslim of an educated and nice family. I have three children aged 22, 18 and 8 years.
Advice For New Professionals:
They have to be focused, sincere and dedicated with a self driven attitude towards work. They should be able to smile and be cheerful and shouldnt dry up int he process.
Other Thoughts:
Yes My background is that I did my postgraduation with Journalism stood first class worked for TOI for ten years before leavign for LoOndon worked for a while for BBC, and then Home Office's councilling department at Newham. Stayed for five yrs in London and am runnign an English fortngihtly from Gu
Done Differently:
I cant say that I want to start it all over again, but would add some additional responsibility depending upon the time arrangement. I would love to respect the policy and style of the new employer and would use my experience to make the copy better.
IT is a new field i would love to use it.
Required Reading:
Latest magazines which they like or not still, books like Elements of Journalism, ethics of journalism and all leading newspapers and magazines sites like outlook ibn, siliconindia, and related blogs
The Decisions That Matter
I did radio recording, surveyed for TNS company at London even as worked for TOI, BBC, Home office each work I enjoyed thoroughly but did not compromise to leave the field for just greediness of money. Journalism is my passion which was difficult incomewise but i took it positively.
Degrees That Matter:
yes i would love to learn some photography and lay out designing basics like Quark Xpress etc
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Perhaps working single handedly for TOI for ten years at Surat covering 1992 riots to plague to transformation of city, working for BBC even as being a wife, motehr and daughter in law. I also continue to enjoy Urdu shaeri and do gardening and long drives.
Growth Strategy:
I want to be a seeker, a student and perhaps this very quality fo daily learning, meeting new people and expressing their views after a patient hearing are the pluses that have driven me always tot the field of my choice.This I have contineud despite ups n downs no egos and no regrets.
Career Profile:
My present profile is slightly different though not altogether different. Here, I am editor and CEO of a newspaper (small) which is my baby. Earlier I was an employee working on conditions and terms of others but in my case I found no major hurdles even there.
The Journey So Far:
I have not worked for any corporates so far.
Working Life Management:
I do it with planning i cant sleep without tomorrows schedule in my mind and on my table and desktop i use various symbols coined by myself to mark the task. i prioritise the work and proceed checking the last day's incomplete tasks. i always have soem leisure time for myself n family.
Role Model:
I was inspired by my mother who use used to work for 8 to ten hours impartign knowledge and art to poor alongwith our rearing. SHe did it all with smile and passianately. Sonia Gandhi inspires me for the wrath n yet cool face, end number of our maids to poor men and women always inspired me.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Sea change. When I started it was on a big computer on DOS we used to operate.Today it is all on finger tip and touch. Everything is fast and goes obsolete also fast.Youngsters are more talented and sincere than us. But they have less value based approach. change is essence of life i adopt it.
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