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Advice Request
Devrishi Ghosh
Devrishi Ghosh

Devrishi Ghosh


Elpis Technologies


Devrishi Ghosh is a member of:

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Brief about company, offerings and foundation of the company
Elpis Technologies is a global, Offshore Software Outsourcing Company based in Noida. Established in 2010, Elpis Technologies is growing into a strong and committed player of nterprise Management. Elpis Technologies is a private firm, having its root at Noida, delivers software solutions to the most of the industry verticals. The name Elpis meaning “hope”, as it always has shown a hope to the clients, in their concerned business. Elpis Technology is steady on the path of growth, and has successfully completed two years. In this span of two years Elpis has earned a good
clientage amongst various industry domains
My role at different dimensions as the company evolved
From the starting day, I personally had to do the coding part and also played a major role in sales. As the team gradually got bigger, the roles got more specialized, and currently I am looking towards the international markets and clients.
Most critical decision
The toughest time, which I had to face was making a choice between service industry and product based approach. No doubt, the service industry seems more lucrative, but from the future point of view, we had to make a shift from the service paradigm to product based approach.
Some of the difficulties faced while building product/ solution
The difficulty, in developing our first model, was to capture the current market trend. Since we are into products now, we need to know the requirement of the end users, the drawback of the competitor’s offering, and what we can offer to be the upper hand, obviously sticking to our pre defined time frame.
Advice for fellow entrepreneurs
Never go down with failures, they are the milestones to success. If you ever fail, consider yourself stronger than before,
get up and get going. Success shall kiss you one day.
Different actions if I rebuild my company from scratch all over again
If I were to rebuild my organization, I shall surely eye a point of sale at with a development centre and POS in any Latin American country. Being in India, we cannot deal directly with the Latin American countries. We need to set up some conversion points at the States.
Unique about my way of motivating troops
Transparency in the interactive sessions is the best way to motivated them. My personal participation in their failure and success, keeps them motivated, to give their best. Periodically, I give them tasks that are too challenging. It keeps them on their mark to give their best, whenever required. The usual incentives and recognition are always there.
Best company I admire globally
I admire Infosys. The way they started from scratch. Today, we have got so many facilities. International relations and recognitions were tough those days. It was very tough to get a telephone connection. A connection would make someone wait for three months. The way, they all did it, it keeps me motivated and never lets my spirit go down
Way of choosing my people
Unlike the industry standards, I do not stress mush on academic qualifications. I personally handpick my team, keeping in mind their enthusiasm and their ability to face tough conditions and
The challenges and lessons learnt to get first customer
This was the biggest challenge, we all had to face. It is not easy to convince a client, about your product. The worst part is to compare the competition, when the client is not a tech savvy. To make things roll our way, we had to take the layman approach, not a technical one. It took us long to receive our first payment, till then we all were very nervous and had to pray for making things fall in place.
Motivation and Drives factor
Nobody can run from failures, neither can we. Failures are a part of attaining success. The failures and the competition motivate me and urge me to motivate my team, to bring out their best, to change the wind’s course.
As a leader how I make sure that I am connecting the right dots
Feedback is the proper for I rely on these inputs, my personal instincts and obviously the growth chart to make sure, I am on the right track.
Risks involved in business and way of addressing
The typical risk involved in a startup, is always the branding. Being a startup, we cannot go for publicity through media, neither can we tie up with the big players like banks and other NBFCs as majority of them require some minimum turnovers and an age of atleast half a decade. This is the toughest thing that any entrepreneur has to face. But they say, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. This keeps me and my team motivated during the tough times. We have to invest wisely while recruiting a team, because an employee represents an organization. We need positive mind sets. The sales team is the pillar of an rganization and in the initial stages; motivation is what we can bank upon.
My thoughts related to entrepreneurship/ leadership and management
As an entrepreneur, I have always focused on delivering quality. I never compromise with quality, and neither will the client like to. Keeping the quality quotient high, the profits wont roar. But, this will help in building a strong base, good repo and obviously a strong clientage, which intangibly shall pay profits one day.
Three big lessons/ mistakes encountered while building company
The biggest lesson I have learnt till now, is that, we cannot be dependent on one product or service. We have to be diversified, to keep the cash registers ticking.
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