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Sandeep Mann
Sandeep Mann

Sandeep Mann

COO - Founder, Remorphing



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Recruitment Approches
The mother step is a deep map of industry and firm where the slot is to be filled, of the specific role (competencies, past incumbent's track). This yields source (matching ones) list of firms. Then starts the mgic of combing, reaching, assessing, wooing.
My family background
Am a first generation entrepreneur. Family supported me to be me - no biases, no forcing into this stream or that - all are my decisions since 10th grade.

Father, an accomplished lawyer, very well respected in his community (to the extent he was elected Bar President unanimously, an unprecendented thing in these competitive circles). Mother, caring - instilling values. 2 Lovely sisters, younger.

Small town upbringing - best of urban and rural worlds.

A very supportive wife, a daughter in 12th, son in 3rd, another daughter in between (we lost her when she was 3 years old). Amn't able to forget her.
Important point in Recruitment process
It is simple actually. A good placeable candidate interested in the offering firm would have directly approached them. An unplaceable average or below par) candidate, who wants anyways. So we have to find a placeable candidate, who doesn't want to join the offering firm, and help her see the opportunity she is missing.
Attracting good people
Two things. Business moves on competent people (who are usually opportunists) and loyal people (who are usually not that competent). For continuity, you need loyal people; for performance, you need the competent ones. So we strike a balance of 30% loyal and 70% competent. Both categories need different approaches, and both categories are essential.

The good ones join for career growth, facilitation for performance, and literal application of 2 Factor Theory.
Importance of E-Recruitment process
Actually, the charm was in those days where talent was found by waiting for right candidates to physically emerge from their offices. e-Recruitment has killed that charm.

e-R has in effect commoditized talent, making a CV cheap, worth a few paise/ rupees. Yet, like all technology, this too brings benefits.
Thoughts on India education system
Horrible. Most important thing in life is self-esteem, right? Our system instead of building self-esteem, annihilates it.

Everything else a person with esteem can do: set goals, ask questions, design pathways, walk on pathways, stay humble.

What can be done? Lots, but most of these are idealistic measures, and nobody is interested in effecting them.

Maybe we will get to next level without getting educated in normal terms.
Upcoming Trends in Recruiting
We need portals 2.0 or 3.0, whatever that means.
Video Resumes are a must, but bandwidth is an issue.
Validated CVs are a must - seems 80% of India lies on its CVs.
Qualities looked during recruiting people
Span she can manage (area, team size (at one place/ distributed), topline).
Core beliefs.
Extra reading habits. Industry trends awareness.
My achievements
More than 750 VPs and CXOs have gained in career moves, across multiple sectors. And these are directly through my efforts. Counting in assists to colleagues and associate professionals, maybe 4000+.
My advice to upcoming leaders
Simple - BE a professional.
Grasp the role - chalk competencies needed (Knowledge-Attitude-Skills) - systematically groom yourself.
Be a genuine human being - short shrift, cutting corners, one upmanship don't pay in the long run.
Value family, career can wait.
Initiative taken by Professionals to develop a country
Nothing and everything.
Professional chases excellence and thus creates a field of superlative performance around her - if one is a true professional. This takes firm and country ahead. This gives courage to say NO to unethical practices.
Sadly, most professionals aren't true professionals - they hardly understand excellence. So they make compromises. They are spineless. They can do arm chair criticism of what ails India - nothing else.
Current Job Profile
Have been giving COO leadership to numerous organizations. Have interests in competitiveness, econometrics, branding, HR. manage consulting and training in strategic-leadership and innovation substrate matters. Love supporting progressive academic institutions via guest talks/ courses.
Challenges in recruitment process
Since we manage leadership hiring, most talent is passive, not active, not on portals. But then this reaching out is the fun.

Indian candidate is very slippery, eel like. he doesn't turn up for interviews, despite having offered his best word. She also is afraid kind, can't discuss terms of engagement in 1st meet itself - thus wasting lots of time over 3-4 rounds and then discovering a compensation mismatch.

Pathetic that many many many many HR recruitment heads want cuts (kickbacks) in professional charges. We needlessly say Government Class is corrupt - private corporate sector, of large firms, is the real stalwart - MASSIVELY corrupt.

Again, nobody in India really knows what a good JD is - we make messy JDs.
Uniqueness of recruitment process
Spikes are many - sometimes immense work, at times very lean. Day is unpredictable. Many a miss between lip and cup, so to say. Only fun-oriented happy people last long - else most joinees get burnout within few months/ years. One has to read a lot, which again modern recruiters do not.

Very satisfying profession - the way a car designer gets a kick by seeing a million of his cars on the road - sameways, a recruiter knows he took candidate's life to next level: helping her change her car, her TV, schools of her children, role change etc.
In House recruitment process
Isn't it in house only, with part outsourced. Both are needed in a co-exist mode for best results. In house brings control, but is effectively costlier, unless repeat hirings are done.
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