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Advice Request
Anuradha Bhargav
Anuradha Bhargav

Anuradha Bhargav

Corporate HR

Ruchi Steel


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HR Challenges:
We at HR constantly face the resolving disparity; making the company world class with the human resource which is our part for years.In order to grow, the HR needs to be developed/trained. At the same time, right amount of fresh HR to be introduced into the system which lead the change and development in the organization keeping our culture intact.
Advice For Fellow HR Leaders:
HR needs to align themselves with the business goals. What most of the HR make a mistake is their work is not oriented towards the mission and vision of the company. The HR work needs to be quantified. A small example comes from maintenance of the personnel files, the information which these files contain is crucial, you need to make a sense out of it, you need to analyse it. Have you counted the percetage of people you have who are PGs and age bracket of the incoming is around "25-30 years". Figures such as these help you understand whether the HR in your company is in lines with the business strategy.
Attract good people, Retain Better Performers and Advance the Best:
What we need to understand in recruitment is what the candidate requires. Depending on this ambition, aspirations and his life situations we are able to assess how far we will be able to cater to those needs.Only if the organization is able to do so, it shall hire the person. In absence of this transparency, the company starts loosing goodwill and manpower.To retain whom we have hired, apart from transparency in the working we also need to give a career. Its not money that is important, its the future which is important. Inculcating fresh blood is not the only end, the all round development of employees is all the way more important.
Identifying and Promoting New Leaders:
The simplest way of identifying the leaders is their performance in consecutive three years. However, to create another filter leadership inventories/test are available, which could be conducted on the selected people.Once potential employees are identified, a career path needs to be designed depending on the individual's aptitude and aspirations. Such employees should be closely monitored by the mentors and their appraisals should be treated differently keeping in view the career path we have designed for them.
Recommended Reading
Silicon India is one of the best sources one can log on to. Apart from the HR magazines, I would recommend to be updated about the current economic and political scenario. This will help in understanding the current manpower trends in the industry and will help in strategizing. You should be in contact with the other professionals via professional networking sites like linkedin also.
Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
Every job profile entails a different set of requirement. At senior positions we consider the person's diverse experience in terms of kind of industries he/she has worked in. At junior levels, we look the potential of the person to grow and learn. For eg, an average IQ candidate with willingness to learn will be chosen over high IQ candidate having "know-it-all" attitude. Flexibility and openness is one quality we appreciate at all levels.
Being different from other stream
HR is like an umbrella which covers entire organization. However, the quantification of HR functions have started in certain companies, but still most of the companies are untouched. This is because the performance of HR is a complex. The uncertainty in this field makes it very interesting. I think HR is a field where you have different way of doing things every time.There is no set pattern, every day is a new day and you learn something new everyday in HR. Complexity, non-functional, on going learning makes it unique.
Leadership Programs in Place:
LDPs are offered by the elite B-schools and HR consultancies also. Results from short term leadership courses have not been impressive. But yes, the executive coaching methods, systematic LDPs within the organization have been helpful in reaching the goal. Since leadership development is spread over a long period of time, in India, the empirical r results are insufficient to prove any theory.
Current job profile
I am working a Senior-executive Corporate HR in Ruchi Group. Corporate HR is a nodal agency appointed by MD which works for and among 4 companies; two steel, one IT and one commodity. Corporate HR works as change agent in the organization; responsible for streamlining the functions at various levels like department, unit, cross functional teams and introducing new systems. T&D activities are being minutely monitored and executed at all locations in India. I am also a psychometric assessor.I delineate HR Programs and Policies for all these four companies. Coordination is a very important part of my profile while ensuring compliance on Polices and Programs by each of these companies. Finding a problem in the organization and resolving is also part of our change agent profile. Certain times, I counsel employees. Since I like organizing and planning, event management for high value occasions has also become part of my profile. Corporate HR is also SPOC for external clients.
Improving Education system
Education system in recent times have shown a drift, from being academic to being professional in nature. But the diversity in the courses is still unseen. For example, we have n no. of MBA but we rarely find people specializing in ocean science or geography for that matter. The engineering and medical courses are still more stressed. Arts and humanities are still lagging. We need to bring more diversity in our courses for student population. The skill gap in India has not lessened much in spite of the fact that everyone holds an MBA degree now. The other skills that are demanded by various industries need to be developed.
HR Strategies In Place
The key HR strategies that are in place are manpower development, streamlining the functions of the individuals by linking them to the organizational goals. Simultaneously, efforts to have world class HR practices are on. We are introducing individual leadership concepts and practices in the organization, thereby making employees partners in the company's achievements.
Helping to develop the country
Being professional means giving best to your job. That itself will help the country to be developed. Professionals after a certain period spent in Corporate should move to mentor like profiles, sharing their knowledge within the company and outside the company with younger generation and with the Govt. agencies.
Recruiting new generation:
Its easy to recruit but its challenging to retain generation Y 100 percent. Creating a learning and transparent environment helps curb the attrition. By involving the new generation into new projects keeps them believe that organization is progressing. Since they become part of the progression , the tendency of switching over lessens. Generation Y is definitely very ambitious but are not aware of the real market situations. They need to be educated about the market situations and at the same time values of integrity to be inculcated in them. The concept of job hopping needs to be discouraged in their minds.
Pain Points:
What pains me most is the non-quantification of HR functions. Most of the companies treat the HR function as secondary to profit earning function. HR in most of the companies is not linked to the organizational goals/mission/vision. As a matter of fact, the goals are defined in terms of profit and market presence. The goals should also center around the Human Resource of the organization because HR is one of the building blocks which is never obsolete.
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