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Advice Request
Vishwas Vaishampayan
Vishwas Vaishampayan

Vishwas Vaishampayan




Vishwas Vaishampayan is a member of:

Qualities needed to become a successful leader
focus, honesty,hard work and empathy!
Important lesson learned
There is not a penny or person that is a waste...ever!
Important decision
In everything I do and expect others with me to do must always enhance the quality of life using knowledge and the resultant rewards as means to achieve that!
My family background
I am married to a publishing executive, my eldest son is in retail, daughter a psycho-analyst and my youngest is on the threshold of high school
My strongest skill
Brand building, clarity of thought
Degree that I recommend
I feel a degree is always useful but what is most vital is continuously enhancing perception and knowledge upgradation
My achievements
Work life balance!
Initiative to develop a country
India has always been the world leader in every conceivable field if one looks into the ancient past. We need to bring that glory back through our own efforts. The opportunities are numerous. I for one, look at a 'cause' and build my efforts around it to create a balance between 'Profit' and 'Social responsiveness'
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Again, I would like all of us to look back and bring the ancient schooling systems to the forefront and forget the linear methods of learning!
Couple of years from now
On the world map through our offerings!
More about myself
Knowledge is power and networking is strength. We as Indians have to primarily think as Indians and keep connecting, keep sharing!
Brief description about me
I am a Social Sciences graduate and have been working as a script/copy writer, and a communication strategist for the past 38 years
Influenced by
My father who made a man out of me, taught me to take initiatives and my wife who stood with me through thick and thin and never lost confidence in me
My role model
Mr. Amitabh Bacchhan the legendary icon of Indian Cinema who as a hero in every story was unbeatble but more than that in his life story he fought against all odds and yet never lost his humility
Ensuring success
keeping an open mind to anything that comes my way without being judgemental about anything has always helped me learn. People easily connect with me and readily share their learnings which helps me grow and evolve
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