The emphasis is on 'experiencing and learning'

SiliconIndia online education. JS (java script course )  Web Development Course. Here emphasis is on 'experiencing and learning' and live projects
In this course you will be working on live projects, which will help you understand the exact process from the beginning to end. The curriculum is prepared with the international standard, by leading professionals from the industry. The curriculum provides very particular expertise oriented training at micro level to the student. The web developer's course contains HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Php & Mysql.
For the Java Script section, there are tutorials, extra study material, video class with teachers, assignments for each chapter, projects after each section plus access to teachers for 12 hours a day.JS (java script course )  Web Development Course
For each section, there are tutorials, extra study material, video class with teachers who are all experienced professionals working full time as web developers, assignments for each chapter, projects after each section plus access to teachers for 12 hours a day.
HTML | CSS | JavaScript | PHP | MySQL
  • Chapter 1: What is JavaScript?
  • JavaScript is a cross-platform, object-oriented scripting language. JavaScript is a small, lightweight language, it is not useful as a standalone l... more>>
  • Chapter 2: Testing your Visitor's Browser
  • The navigator object is used to get information about the browser your visitors are using. Because some browsers can not deal with certain things (... more>>
  • Chapter 3: Setting up Variables in JavaScript
  • To create a variable, the var keyword precedes the variable name, and is used only once for declaration. All future references to the variable are ... more>>
  • Chapter 4: Javascript Conditional Statements
  • Making decisions is an integral part of any programming language, including JavaScript. They allow your programs to choose from alternative actions... more>>
  • Chapter 5: JavaScript Loops
  • Loops execute a block of code a specified number of times, or while a specified condition is true. A loop is something that goes round and round. more>>
  • Chapter 6: Arrays!
  • An array is a variable that holds more than one number, or more than one string. Basically an array object is used to store multiple values in a si... more>>
  • Chapter 7: Javascript Events and Functions
  • To keep the browser from executing a script when the page loads, you can put your script into a function. A function contains code that will be exe... more>>
  • Chapter 8: JavaScript Form Validation
  • JavaScript can be used to validate data in HTML forms before sending off the content to a server. Form validation can help to reduce the amount of ... more>>

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