5 Amazing Kitchen Hacks for a Better Life

Baking Soda or Baking Powder: Good to Use?

Suppose all of a sudden you have to bake something, and guess what, using the old baking soda or baking powder is obviously a question you might be asking yourself especially if you are not sure of its effectiveness. Always be aware of the effectiveness as an ineffective soda or powder can definitely ruin the recipe big time.

FYI, the baking sodas usually doesn’t come with the expiration dates. Hence, these tips can be really helpful for you.

Tip 1: Mix a teaspoon of baking powder into a half cup of hot water, if it bubbles you’re good to use them.

Tip 2:  Add a quarter of a teaspoon of baking soda into two teaspoons of vinegar, if it bubbles you can use the baking soda.

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