10 Facts About Mother Teresa We didn't Know Before

When we think of charity and compassion, one name that strikes us is Mother Teresa. She has been an inspiration yet an incredible leader who set an...

Friday, 28 August 2020, 10:02:34 AM IST

Lockdown hard on kids with special needs

With schools, hospitals and therapy centres closed during the 21-day nationwide lockdown in India, everyone is facing challenges but children with...

Wednesday, 08 April 2020, 09:39:49 AM IST

That Perfect Millet Rice Recipe Is Not A Dream Anymore, Check How?

If there's one trend that has reached an all-time high, it's our ability to eat whatever we want, whenever we want to. What the trend ignores...

Tuesday, 31 March 2020, 11:42:31 AM IST

Holi: History, Tradition, Prevention & More

It is time to welcome the springtime with Holi, the festival of color, which marks the end of winter and the beginning of warmer days

Tuesday, 10 March 2020, 10:33:23 AM IST

Scientific community pledges to end obesity stigma

Scientific community pledges to end obesity stigma

Coinciding with World Obesity Day, over 100 medical and scientific organisations have today pledged their support for a consensus statement that recognises unscientific public narratives of obesity...

5 Children-Friendly Holiday Destinations in India

Best Summer Destinations in India 2020

4 Affordable Safest Cars You Can Buy Under Rs. 10 Lakhs

5 Lifestyle Trends Millionaires Follow

5 Lifestyle Trends Millionaires Follow

Self-made millionaires had their fair share of failures during the journey to success and they had to start somewhere to achieve all the success they had..

Travel Trends to Look Out for in India 2020

Travel Trends to Look Out for in India 2020

Tips to Keep in Mind While You Call in Sick to Work?

Tips to Keep in Mind While You Call in Sick to Work?

Night-shift workers at risk of heart disease, diabetes

Night-shift workers at risk of heart disease, diabetes