10 Phobia's Most Widespread Among People

4 Other People
Everyone’s a part of the crowd in a city but when on a stage many tune red and sweaty and get butterflies in the stomach which they can’t escape from. These are some of the signs of social phobia.
As per the National Institute of Mental Health 15 million Americans are affected by social phobia. The intensity of this fear can extend to anxiety during eating or drinking in front of other people, also experiencing a general discomfort or nervousness among anyone other than family members.

3 Scary Spaces
The fear of place or circumstances which might be hard to escape creates fear and anxiety among many. As per the 2008 report by the National Institute of Mental Health around 1.8 million American adults suffer from agoraphobia over the age of 18 years. Most common situation and places feared are bridges, sporting events, elevators, driving, shopping malls, public transportation and airplanes. People suffering from agoraphobia avoid traveling in cars, or being in crowded places and even leaving their home.

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