10 Phobia's Most Widespread Among People

2 Creepy Crawlies
Everyone might know someone who would scream and shot at the sight of a spider. And it is also been found that women fear spiders four times more than men do. These analyses were made by David Rakison of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, when 11 month old girls were shown images of spiders and snakes their facial expressions expressed fear, unlike the baby boys who did not flinch.

1 Slithering Snakes
Snakes, even the name can make some shrink with fear. It is the most widespread phobia as suggested by studies. There are places in the world where people are undaunted about snakes or spiders and the use them to make soups or fry spiders and put them on sticks. But in most places the fears of snakes still exist and it is linked to survival instinct by researchers. As per a study where children and adults were asked they picked the images of snakes more quickly than pointed out frogs and flowers among various non-threatening objects.

Phobia is a case of extreme fear from certain thing or situation but it can be treated with proper care and assistance.

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