Top 5 Best Virtual Appliances for SMBs


Phreedom is simply a great ERP app for SMBs. Phreedom help SMBs to track inventory, manage accounting, handle contracts, write checks, perform bank account reconciliation, and more. Apart from these features, the service also comes with contact management, inventory management, payment, Phreebooks accounting, report generation, and a shipping module. Apart from these features, Phreedom comes with several optional modules such as RMA (return tracking), asset recording, language translation, and ZenCart integration.


If you are looking for a tool to create an internal cloud service, then here is the best one out there- ownCloud. With this virtual appliance users can quickly built their own clouds, and upload files, folders, contacts, photo galleries, calendars and more. The service comes with additional features such as undelete, documentation, an easy-to-use interface, file versioning, and migration and backups. And with public APIs available, it's possible to create your own applications for ownCloud.

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