The Rise in Cost of Mobile Data for Enterprises

Bangalore: The Mobile industry grows at an overwhelming rate where network operators are increasing their subscriber growth, at a daily basis. But what happens on the other side is the escalation of mobile data throughout. With the increase in usage of smartphones, tablets and other gadgets across large and small businesses, mobile data consumption has just changed its appearance, from bits to megabytes and now to gigabytes.

According to Visage, a mobile data management company, here are some interesting and astonishing facts on the rise in cost of mobile data across the enterprise platform, exposed from their own stats and researches.

Mobile Data- Good News and Bad News:

Let’s start with the good news. The decrease in the cost of mobile data is really an exciting report to watch for. In 2008, a megabyte cost around $0.46. But now the value has decreased to as low as $0.03.

Now the bad news is the average usage of mobile data by an employee across enterprises. According to the research, in a next few years, an average business employee will be using mobile data over 3GB per month which crafts the cost over $101, a significant increase from $31.25 that an average per employee uses.

Now let’s talk about the massive increase in mobile data. The increase can be subjected to a variety of data’s being used. The sudden explosion in data consumption is driven primarily by video centric applications across the mobile platform. This ranges from video presentations to live streaming. The other factor that contributes to the increase is the outbreak of massive mobile office applications that help users to read and edit their office documents.


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