
Indian Teen Prodigy Cracks 8 Ivy League Schools

SI Team
Saturday, May 2, 2015
SI Team
People often say that it's a big of a deal to get through one Ivy League School, but breaking the stereotype Pooja Chandrashekhar, an Indian-American teen got through all the eight IVS and six other top universities.

Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Dartmouth, Columbia, Brown, and the University of Pennsylvania are the eight Ivy Leagues willing to accept the 17 year old lass from Thomas Jefferson School for Science and Technology. The other six universities running for her are Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford, Duke, Georgia Tech, the University of Virginia, and the University of Michigan.

With a SAT score of 2390 and 4.57 grade point average, Pooja's application got more visibility due to the national non-profit she founded that encourages middle-school girls to participate in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs; built a windmill to explore aspects of renewable energy and also developed a mobile app that analyzes speech patterns and predicts with 96 percent accuracy if a person has Parkinson's disease.
Though mostly it is not suggested to apply in all the eight IVS, Pooja's parents, Chandrashekar Doddaveeriah and Pratibha Bore Gowda fully supported her go-for-all-IVS decision.

Pooja has shortlisted Harvard, Stanford and Brown, among all the IVS; where she got into programs that guarantees her admission to the university's medical school. She eventually hopes to pursue a program in liberal medical education and bio-engineering. Like other teens, even Pooja cherishes Bollywood songs and television shows like 'Shark Tank'.

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