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J2EE Tutorial - Our Course just doesn't prepare you for the interview; it prepares you for the Job!

The content of this course is designed, explained and demonstrated with examples by java professionals who all have come together for a single purpose; to share their java experience and to help you become an effective java web developer.
For each section you will be presented with text tutorial where you will be learning concepts by reading through the content. There are videos for each section which will reinforce your concepts with an example and its explanation. You will be given requirements based on real life java projects using which you will be required to develop project modules for the same. A combination of all this would certainly take you places you have never been before.
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Inside Servlets & Servlet Lifecycle
Section 3 - The Servlet API
Section 4 - Other Web App Components
Section 5 - Conversational State - HttpSession
Section 6 - Basic JSP Learning
Section 7 - Filters
Section 8 - JSTL (JSP standard tag library)
Section 9 - Web Application Deployment


Section 1 : - Introduction
What is Prons and Cons of JDBC?
What is the relation between hibernate and JDBC?
What is Hibernate?
Advantages and Disadvantages Of Hibernate
Supported Databse
Supported Technology
Section 2 : - Hibernate Framework
Why Object Relational Mapping (ORM)?
What is ORM?
Advantages over plain JDBC
Entities of ORM Solution
Java ORM Frameworks
What are the problems as mismatch problems?
Section 3 : - Hibernate Architecture
Hibernate architecture
High level architecture of Hibernate with mapping file and configuration file
Elements of Hibernate Architecture
Section 4 : - Hibernate Application in Ecllipse IDE
Creating the first hibernate application in Eclipse IDE
How to Create the java project
How to Add jar files for hibernate
How to Create the Persistent class
How to Create the mapping file for Persistent class
How to Create the Configuration file

How to Create the class that retrieves or stores the persistent object

How to Run the application
Section 5 : - Hibernate Configuration
Hibernate Properties and Description
Various important databases dialect property type
Hibernate Sessions
Section 6 : - First Hibernate Application Using Mapping File
POJO classes (Plain Old Java Object)
Hibernate configuration file
Hibernate Mapping files (hbm)
Section 7 : - Hibernate Annotation
Environment Setup for Hibernate Annotation
Different types of Annotations
Database Configuration
Section 8 : - "Hello World" Program for Hibernate
Hibernate Type System
Working with sessions and Persistent Objects
Mapping a Class
Persistent Entity Class, Hibernate Mapping
File, Mapping the Entity Class
Primary keys: Id property, Generated Id
Section 9 : - HQL – Hibernate Query Language
Inserting and Updating Entities
The Query Interface
Creating and working with queries
Named Queries, Projection Queries, Aggregate Queries
Section 10 : - HQL – Problem Of Granularity
Mismatch problem between the domain object model entity class and database table
Code to overcome
Section 11 : - Problem Of Relationship
One To One Relation - PK-PK (XML)
One To One Relation - PK-FK (XML)
Many To One Relation - (XML)
Many To One Relation - (Annotation)
One To Many Relation - (XML)
One To Many Relation - (Annotation)
Many To Many Relation - Unidirectional (XML)
Section 12 : - Problem Of SubType(IS-A Relation)
Table Per Class Hierarchy
Table Per SubClass
Table Per Concrete Class
Section 13 : - Hibernate Criteria Queries
Restrictions with Criteria
Pagination using Criteria
Projections & Aggregations
Section 14 : - Hibernate Native SQL
What is Native Sql?
Discussion about Scalar queries
Discussion about Entity queries
Section 15 : - Hibernate Caching
What is Caching?
Levels Of Cache
Concurrency strategies


Section 1 : - Introduction
Benefits of Using Spring Framework
Dependency Injection (DI)
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
Section 2 : - Spring Framework Architecture
Core Container
Data Access/Integration
Web layer
Section 3 : - Spring Environment Setup
Step 1 - Setup Java Development Kit (JDK)
Step 2 - Install Apache Common Logging API
Step 3 - Setup Eclipse IDE
Step 4 - Setup Spring Framework Libraries
Section 4 : - Spring Hello World Example
Step 1 - Create Java Project
Step 2 - Add Required Libraries
Step 3 - Create Source Files
Step 4 - Create Bean Configuration File
Step 5 - Running the Program
Section 5 : - Spring Hello World Example
What is The Spring container?
Types of Containers
Section 6 : - Spring Bean Definition
Spring Bean Scopes
Spring Bean Life Cycle
Spring Bean Post Processors
Spring Bean Definition Inheritance
Section 7 : - Spring Java Based Configuration
@Configuration & @Bean Annotations
Injecting Bean Dependencies
The @Import Annotation
Lifecycle Callbacks
Section 8 : - Event Handling in Spring
Listening to Context Events
Custom Events in Spring
Section 9 : - AOP with Spring Framework
Types of Advice
Custom Aspects Implementation
Section 10 : - Spring JDBC Framework Overview
JdbcTemplate Class
Configuring Data Source
Data Access Object (DAO)
Executing SQL statements
Executing DDL Statements
Section 11 : - Spring Transaction Management
What is database transaction?
Local vs. Global Transactions
Programmatic vs. Declarative
Spring Transaction Abstractions
Section 12 : - Spring MVC Framework
The Spring web MVC framework
The DispatcherServlet
Required Configuration
Defining a Controller
Creating JSP Views
Spring Web MVC Framework Examples

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