Tips for Enterprises to Prepare and Dodge-off DDoS Attacks

#4 Have a good response plan ready:

Have a good response plan ready or have a good backup plan ready. During a DDoS attack, you probably won’t get time to start with a backup plan, so it’s advised that enterprises always keep a response plan ready at their hands.

Then comes the next question, what to add in your response plan? Preparing contact lists and procedures in advance, analyzing the incident as it happens and spinning up the whole response processes, perform mitigation steps outlined for the action team and, finally, performing a thorough post-mortem to document lessons learned and amend the response plan with that experience for future incidents are just some of the important must-haves in a good response plan.


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After reading the previous statement, it’s quite natural for administrators to think the need for such a long and elaborated response plan. The answer- quite simple and it’s the after effects. When there is clearly defined backup plan with checklists, ideas and next actions, people within an organization starts working better during crisis. You can see the ideas flowing and the work following. This is something you can do today at no cost. So what are you waiting for!  Get a team together, talk about your response and write the plan down. Be prepared.