Data Center Operations And Its 10 Biggest Mistakes

Mistake 4: Failure to train and develop the right talent

Once organizations hire qualified people, it’s important to provide them with proper support, training, and career development opportunities.  Creating a positive environment significantly improves employee retention rates.  High turnover in a mission-critical space leads to loss of knowledge, which is a significant risk in most operations programs. Analysts advise companies to work on a level by level step to train employees in accordance to their expertise and the importance of work that they are assigned to.


Mistake 5: Failing to consistently drill and test skills

It’s quite a common sight where we see soldiers and firemen constantly undergoing drills for emergency situations.  This certainly builds right responses at the right time and this is what data center technicians also must undergo. A data center space can always be subjected to emergency situations, both technically and financially. And the last thing you need is to be unprepared to react. But training alone cannot build a risk free environment. It definitely requires step by step procedures which include developing high emergency drill skills and good reaction times.


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