7 Brilliant Non Business Books for Entrepreneurs

 3. The Aeneid

Calling this literary epic a master piece is much of an understatement. The first six of the poem's twelve books tell the story of Aeneas's wanderings from Troy to Italy, and the poem's second half tells of the Trojans' ultimately victorious war upon the Greeks. Originally written in the 19 BC the book is one of the most read classics of all times.


The biggest conflict of the protagonist is to defeat the Trojans any how. The first thing that they need to do is plot a scheme to enter the heavily guarded Trojan walls. That is the key to defeat the enemy. Alongside that the Greeks must sustain the unity among the falling and failing spirits of the Soldiers.


The trick used by the heroes of the battle is so exemplary that it has lived on to the date as one of the most famous idioms. They Build a huge wooden horse, fill it with soldiers and gift it to the enemy. Once the horse is inside the enemy lines and right in the centre of the city, the soldiers break out of the horse and slaughter every enemy around.