5 Unexplored and Unheard Ideas for Indian Startups

The learning software is based on simulating groups of connected brain cells that communicate and influence one another. When such a neural network, as it’s called, is exposed to data, the relationships between different neurons can change. That causes the network to develop the ability to react in certain ways to incoming data of a particular kind—and the network is said to have learned something.

Jeff Hawkins and his company Numenta have developed hierarchical temporal memory (HTM) a means of solving information overload by helping a computer filter and sort the way a brain does. The latest application of HTM is Vitamin D Video, a new company that produces software that will allow you to convert hours of boring video into a shorter highlight reel.

#3 Drones for the front lines

The most hazardous place on the earth is not a mountainous terrain or a steep valley of thorn filled shrubs, it is the front lines of the battle field.

Read More: 9 Exclusive Ways For Indian Startups To Woo The Media / 5 Captivating Indian Startup Stories