5 Unexplored and Unheard Ideas for Indian Startups

Traditional DNA synthesis (chemical synthesis) has a 99 percent accuracy rate per 100 pairs—an impossible to manage error rate when synthesizing anything larger than a virus. But the DNA laser printer (by combining printing with re-sequencing) can achieve 100 percent accuracy rate—hypothetically to any strand length. Therefore, once the printer is up and running it will soon be possible to print everything starting from personalized medical treatments to entirely novel organisms.  The applications of such a device can be enormous.

San Francisco-based Cambrian Genomics is creating the world's first DNA laser printer.

#4 AI – Artificial Intelligence

We can now program software to reason somewhat like a human brain. Last year, Google set a new landmark in the field of artificial intelligence with software that learned how to recognize cats, people, and other things simply by watching YouTube videos. That technology, modeled on how brain cells operate. 

Read More: 9 Exclusive Ways For Indian Startups To Woo The Media / 5 Captivating Indian Startup Stories