10 Companies That Like To Keep It Secret!

Bangalore: It is mandatory for all the public companies to provide their share holders the annual report on a company's activities throughout the preceding year. Annual reports are intended to give shareholders and other interested people information about the company's activities and financial performance.

However, there are few companies which are not transparent about their activities and in a way like to keep little secrets. Rittenhouse Rankings, a corporate communications consulting firm has listed such companies whose annual letters not only contain least details but also makes it difficult for shareholders to get a clearer picture of the company's performance.

Read on to know which 10 companies made it to the list, reported by 247wallst.com.

1. Cigna
Industry: Health Care Plans
Overall Rank: 1

Cigna, the global health services organization with a mission to help its customers improve their health, ranks number one in the list. The study found that the company’s 2011 annual letter was full of jargons and many numerous run-on sentences. The company also said that it was “harnessing this transparency,” in regards to helping plan participants “conveniently track health care costs.” According to the study, the annual letter disastrously failed to build trust with shareholders.

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