World's Most Controversial CEOs

 BANGALORE: To err is human. But, is it possible to divinely forgive those who err? The people in position of responsibility and power are expected to exercise caution in every action. But, could responsibility and power be the very factors that cloud their judgment and lead them to commit grievous mistakes? Let’s have a look at a number of CEOs and the controversies they got entangled with.

Warren Anderson: “You want Osama, give us Anderson”-read a placard held by a woman protestor for the Bhopal Gas Tragedy. Warren Anderson, the then CEO of Union Carbide is probably India’s public enemy number 1.

The Bhopal gas tragedy of December 1984 killed more than 16,000 people and severely injured 5,58, 125 people. Anderson was charged with culpable homicide and detained, but was later left on bail. Once he flew back to the U.S., he refused to come back to India to face the Indian justice system. He was declared a fugitive by a Bhopal court. The Indian government wants him deported but the U.S. authorities refuse to do so citing lack of evidence. The above mentioned placard was written in this context, directed at the U.S. authorities.

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